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Sylff@Tokyo: Visit by China Fellow Guo Xuetang

September 21, 2018

Guo, standing center, and his wife, standing far left, with members of the Sylff Association secretariat.

Guo, standing center, and his wife, standing far left, with members of the Sylff Association secretariat.

On Monday, August 27, 2018, Mr. Guo Xuetang, Sylff fellow (1997) at Fudan University, visited the Sylff Association secretariat in Tokyo. He is currently director of the Institute of International Strategy and Policy Analysis and professor of international relations at the Law School of the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.

The Association had not been able to contact him for many years, but this past spring, Fudan University invited him to attend Sylff’s twenty-fifth anniversary ceremony and commemorative symposium on June 30 at Peking University. The date coincided with a business trip to India, but he was able to attend a separate anniversary event at Fudan University on July 5. His image of Sylff from his student days was completely transformed, he told members of the Sylff Association secretariat during the Fudan gathering, and he is now eager to renew his ties with Sylff.

Mr. and Mrs. Guo with Senior Fellow Ke Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Guo with Senior Fellow Ke Long.

This was Guo’s first visit to Japan. He was on a holiday and was accompanying his wife, a medical doctor who was making presentations at healthcare symposiums in Nagoya and Shizuoka. Although he had never been to Japan, his research frequently involved the country, as his master’s thesis was about Northeast Asian security and the Korean Peninsula in the early 1990s, focusing on China-US relations. At the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research (Sylff Association secretariat), he met with Ke Long, a senior fellow who is an expert on the Chinese economy. They had a lively exchange of views on Japan-China relations.

He also met with members of the secretariat and shared his experience and ideas on ways to connect with more Chinese Sylff fellows.

We wish him much success and hope that he will play a central role in reaching out to Chinese Sylff fellows.


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Sylff’s Silver Jubilee in China (3): Four Universities Celebrate 25th Anniversary

August 31, 2018

Following the ceremony to commemorate Sylff’s twenty-fifth anniversary at Peking University on June 30, 2018, anniversary events were also held at four more universities—Lanzhou UniversityJilin University, Nanjing University, and Fudan University—on July 2–5.

Sylff programs at these four prestigious schools, like Peking University, were established in 1992 based on the recommendations of China’s Ministry of Education. Sylff became a major source of financial assistance for graduate students at the time, when scholarships were not yet widely available, thus laying the foundations for the development of China’s higher education. The four universities administered their Sylff programs in distinctive ways, reflecting their respective regional and academic strengths, and developed many community and intellectual leaders over the past quarter century.

Lanzhou fellows for 2018 receive certificates during the award ceremony.

The commemorative ceremonies were attended by both current and graduated fellows, who enjoyed the opportunity to reminisce about Sylff’s early years and to discuss their intentions to participate in Sylff’s support programs, proposals for new programs, and approaches to energize the Sylff community in China.

During the anniversary event on July 2 at Lanzhou University, an award ceremony was held for fellows who were newly selected in fiscal 2018. Certificates were presented to the four fellows by Lanzhou University President Yan Chunhua and Sylff Association Chairman Yohei Sasakawa.

Jilin University President Li Yuanyuan places a badge on Chairman Sasakawa’s lapel in conferring the title of advisory professor.

On July 3, during the ceremony at Jilin University, Chairman Sasakawa was conferred the title of advisory professor in honor of the long-term achievements and contributions that Sylff and other programs administered by the Nippon Foundation Group have made to leadership development at Jilin University.

A fellow, accompanied by her son, writes her name on a signboard during the Sylff twenty-fifth anniversary ceremony at Nanjing University.

The July 4 ceremony at Nanjing University was held at the International Conference Center of the university’s new Xianlin Campus. The building epitomizes the university’s efforts to fuse tradition and innovation over its nearly 120-year history and symbolizes China’s rapid economic growth in recent years. An award ceremony was held for the four fellows who were selected in 2018, and Hong Xiu, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Philosophy, made an acceptance speech on behalf of the other fellows.

A presentation of Sylff’s new website and support programs.

The anniversary event at Fudan University on July 5 also featured a donation ceremony for the Ryoichi Sasakawa Memorial Library. There will be an initial donation of 2,085 books to the Fudan University library this year.

Party Committee Secretary of Fudan University Jiao Yang, left, receives a certificate for the donation of the Ryoichi Sasakawa Memorial Library from Chairman Sasakawa.

Fudan fellow Li Chunkun (fellowship recipient in 1998) makes a speech during the Fudan University ceremony.

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Sylff’s Silver Jubilee in China (2): 25th Anniversary Ceremony and Commemorative Symposium

August 31, 2018

The twenty-fifth anniversary of Sylff in China was celebrated on June 30, 2018, at Qiulin Report Hall, School of International Studies, Peking University, attended by some 200 current and graduated fellows and Sylff administrators from all 10 Sylff institutions in the country. Gracing the commemorative event were government and education officials who played key roles in launching the Sylff program in China a quarter century ago.

Endowments were initially established in 1992 at Peking University, Fudan University, Lanzhou University, Jilin University, and Nanjing University. Five more schools received Sylff funds in 1994: Chongqing University, Inner Mongolia University, Xinjiang University, Yunnan University, and Sun Yat-sen University. The 10 universities have since produced over 8,000 fellows—more than half of all fellows worldwide.

At the commemorative ceremony, congratulatory remarks were delivered by Peking University President Lin Jianhua and Secretary General Zhao Lingshan of the China Education Association for International Exchange, who recounted the history of the Sylff program in China and shared their thoughts on program administration and leadership development in the years ahead.

This year also marks the fortieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People’s Republic of China. “There have been periods of stagnation in the relationship between China and Japan,” noted Sylff Association Chairman Yohei Sasakawa, “but there are few examples in human history of neighboring countries maintaining ties for 2,000 years.” Emphasizing the importance of bilateral exchange in the nongovernmental sector, he continued, “I hope that Sylff can make a positive contribution to a peaceful future in Asia and the rest of the world.”

A group photo of participants in the ceremony to commemorate Sylff’s twenty-fifth anniversary in China, taken outside the School of International Studies, Peking University.

 At the commemorative symposium, approximately 200 fellows from the 10 Sylff institutes discussed the path taken by Sylff over the past 25 years and exchanged opinions on the kind of leader needed today in China, which has achieved rapid economic growth.

Fellows discuss the qualities a leader should have to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing China.

Sylff fellows (1)

Sylff fellows (2)

Sylff fellows (3)

Sylff fellows (4)

A presentation of the discussions conducted by a group representative.

The Sylff anniversary event in Beijing received wide coverage in the Chinese news media. Articles posted on the websites of media organizations include the following:

  1. Zhongguo Jiaoyu Bao (China Education Daily) (in Chinese)
  1. Xinhua News Agency (in Chinese)
  1. Renmin Ribao (People’s Daily) (in Chinese) (in Japanese) (exclusive interview in Japanese)
  1. Zhongguo Qingnian Bao (China Youth Daily) (in Chinese)
  1. People’s China (in Chinese) (in Japanese and Chinese) (exclusive interview in Japanese with Chinese subtitles)
  1. China Radio International (in Japanese)
  1. (in Chinese)
  1. Renmin Huabao (China Pictorial) (in Chinese)
  1. China Daily (in English)


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Sylff’s Silver Jubilee in China (1): Milestone Administrators Meeting in Beijing

August 31, 2018

Sylff administrators from all 10 Sylff institutions in China (Peking University, Fudan University, Lanzhou University, Jilin University, Nanjing University, Chongqing University, Inner Mongolia University, Xinjiang University, Yunnan University, and Sun Yat-sen University) gathered at the Beijing Friendship Hotel on June 29, 2018, for a meeting that marked an important milestone for the program in China.

The meeting resulted in the signing of a historic agreement among the 10 schools on the criteria to be used in selecting Sylff fellows. The 10 institutions also agreed to hold an annual joint award ceremony for new fellows, to be hosted by a different university each year, and to schedule an administrators meeting on the sidelines of the ceremony.

The agreement was reached following presentations by the vice-presidents of the 10 universities on the kind of leader Sylff should support in the light of the Sylff mission and the ideals of each institution. The re-identification of the qualities sought in China’s fellows had been a priority in the light of the country’s rapid economic growth and changing social needs.

It has been a topic of ongoing discussions between the Sylff Association secretariat and the 10 institutions since 2016. Another key issue has been the concentration of Sylff funds on a more selective group of fellows.

The Sylff Association secretariat’s Sanae Oda, executive director of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, addresses the meeting Sylff administrators in Beijing.

The past quarter century has been a very fruitful period for Sylff in China, as the country has produced more than half of all fellows worldwide. The achievements of the administrators meeting in Beijing represent a major step forward that will help steer Sylff’s next 25 years in China.



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Sylff Leaders Workshop: Selection Outcome

August 8, 2018

Sasayama, Hyogo prefecture

Sasayama, Hyogo prefecture

The Sylff Association secretariat is pleased to announce the successful applicants of Sylff Leaders Workshop for 2018–19. After a careful review of 114 applicants from 45 Sylff institutions, 20 fellows were selected to attend the first, start-up session from September 16 to 23, 2018, and the second, wrap-up session from April 7 to 14, 2019.

In line with the overall theme of the workshop, “The Potential of Trans-border Networking in 2030,” a focus topic was developed to facilitate our discussions, “Food Production in 2030: What Will Our Children Be Eating, and How Will We Produce It?” Participants will be guided by a strategic method called “Visioning” to contemplate norms regarding the future landscape of food and to generate ideas on how to direct actions toward such a vision.

The workshop will primarily take place outside of Tokyo to give participants an opportunity to experience the culture, nature, and history of rural areas of Japan. The site of the start-up session (from September 17 to 19) is the city of Sasayama, a beautiful castle town with a rich natural landscape and old city charms located in the Kansai region of Japan—about an hour outside Kyoto and Osaka.

The conclusions of the discussions and other insights gained from the workshop will be shared broadly with the Sylff community through reports and updates written by fellows and members of the Sylff Association secretariat.