Author Archives: ld-sylff

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Sylff’s Silver Jubilee in China (1): Milestone Administrators Meeting in Beijing

August 31, 2018

Sylff administrators from all 10 Sylff institutions in China (Peking University, Fudan University, Lanzhou University, Jilin University, Nanjing University, Chongqing University, Inner Mongolia University, Xinjiang University, Yunnan University, and Sun Yat-sen University) gathered at the Beijing Friendship Hotel on June 29, 2018, for a meeting that marked an important milestone for the program in China.

The meeting resulted in the signing of a historic agreement among the 10 schools on the criteria to be used in selecting Sylff fellows. The 10 institutions also agreed to hold an annual joint award ceremony for new fellows, to be hosted by a different university each year, and to schedule an administrators meeting on the sidelines of the ceremony.

The agreement was reached following presentations by the vice-presidents of the 10 universities on the kind of leader Sylff should support in the light of the Sylff mission and the ideals of each institution. The re-identification of the qualities sought in China’s fellows had been a priority in the light of the country’s rapid economic growth and changing social needs.

It has been a topic of ongoing discussions between the Sylff Association secretariat and the 10 institutions since 2016. Another key issue has been the concentration of Sylff funds on a more selective group of fellows.

The Sylff Association secretariat’s Sanae Oda, executive director of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, addresses the meeting Sylff administrators in Beijing.

The past quarter century has been a very fruitful period for Sylff in China, as the country has produced more than half of all fellows worldwide. The achievements of the administrators meeting in Beijing represent a major step forward that will help steer Sylff’s next 25 years in China.



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Sylff Leaders Workshop: Selection Outcome

August 8, 2018

Sasayama, Hyogo prefecture

Sasayama, Hyogo prefecture

The Sylff Association secretariat is pleased to announce the successful applicants of Sylff Leaders Workshop for 2018–19. After a careful review of 114 applicants from 45 Sylff institutions, 20 fellows were selected to attend the first, start-up session from September 16 to 23, 2018, and the second, wrap-up session from April 7 to 14, 2019.

In line with the overall theme of the workshop, “The Potential of Trans-border Networking in 2030,” a focus topic was developed to facilitate our discussions, “Food Production in 2030: What Will Our Children Be Eating, and How Will We Produce It?” Participants will be guided by a strategic method called “Visioning” to contemplate norms regarding the future landscape of food and to generate ideas on how to direct actions toward such a vision.

The workshop will primarily take place outside of Tokyo to give participants an opportunity to experience the culture, nature, and history of rural areas of Japan. The site of the start-up session (from September 17 to 19) is the city of Sasayama, a beautiful castle town with a rich natural landscape and old city charms located in the Kansai region of Japan—about an hour outside Kyoto and Osaka.

The conclusions of the discussions and other insights gained from the workshop will be shared broadly with the Sylff community through reports and updates written by fellows and members of the Sylff Association secretariat.

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Sixth “Voices” Booklet Now Online and in Print

June 27, 2018

”Voices” volume 6

The Sylff Association is pleased to announce that volume 6 of Voices from the Sylff Community is now available as a PDF file and in print format.

This year’s Voices—the first to be published by the Sylff Association and to be printed in full color—contains 25 articles that were uploaded on the Sylff website over the past 20 months. Seventeen have been expanded from reports submitted by fellows following a Sylff support program offered by the Sylff Association. They offer hints on how the programs have been used to augment the research and social-action activities of the recipients.

There is also a message from Yohei Sasakawa, chairman of the Sylff Association, and an overview of the 30-year history of the Sylff program by Sanae Oda of the Sylff Association secretariat.

There is a two-page spread of photos featuring the many outstanding fellows whom members of the Sylff Association secretariat had the pleasure of meeting in 2016–17.

The booklet can be downloaded as a PDF file here.

We Want to Hear Your “Voice”

We are always eager to learn about the academic achievements and social intiatives of all fellows. Please send your contributions to the Sylff Association secretariat (sylff[a] to be shared through the Sylff website and Voices booklet. (replace [a] with @).

Guidelines for writing a Voices article can be downloaded here.

* * *

Voices from the Sylff Community

June 2018, Vol.6


Building a Closer Network of Socially Engaged Leaders Sanae Oda Sylff Association Secretariat
Delivering 3D-Printed Prosthetic Solutions in the Philippines: An Interview with Keio Fellow Yutaka Tokushima Keita Sugai Sylff Association Secretariat
JU-Sylff LANS Meet 2018 Sujaan Mukherjee, Sritama Chatterjee,Shounak Adhikari Jadavpur University
The Many Hands of Humanitarian Aid: September 2017 Mexico Earthquake Relief Activities Fernanda Herrera Lopez El Colegio de México
Workshops on the Socio-Analysis of Opression Melinda Kovai Eotvos Lorand University
Own Fate: Self-Managing the FutureーHow to Link Academic Knowledge and Local Practice Loretta Huszak University of Leipzig
Environmental Geopolitics in the Anthropocene: Understanding Causes, Managing Consequences, Finding Solutions Corey Johnson University of Oregon
[Report]Environmental Geopolitics in the Anthropocene:Ominous Horizon or Breaks in the Clouds? Hikaru Hiranuma The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research
Finding a Lasting Solution: Insights From the Forum on Violent Extremism and Radicalization in East Africa Jacinta Mwende Maweu, Socrates Kraido Majune, Stephen Muthusi Katembu, Alexina Nyaboke Marucha University of Nairobi
Report on the University of Nairobi Peace Forum Xena Michelle Cupido University of the Western Cape
Nubian Women’s Arts and Cultural Continuity:The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Nubian Women Art Naglaa Fathi Mahmaoud-Hussein Howard University
Training for the Best and Brightest Students on Leadership and Character Building in Rwanda Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu Howard University
[Report] Leadership and Character Building for Youth in Rwanda Aya Oyamada Sylff Association Secretariat
Indigenous Technology and Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Report Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu Howard University
List of SLI Awardees and Projects in 2016-17
Jewish Religious Life in the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic Karina Barkane University of Latvia
Resilience in the Context of Poverty: The Experiences of Low-Income Urban Filipino Parents Rosanne M. Jocson Ateneo de Manila University
Verbs and the History of Bantu Languages Near the Serengeti Timothy Roth University of Helsinki
The Portrait Image of Emperor Akbar in the Akbarnama and Beyond Dipanwita Donde

Jawaharlal Nehru University

List of SRA Awardees and Research Topics in 2016-17
To Unmake a Victim: Criteria for the Successful Social Reintegration of Human Trafficking Victims Rui Caria University of Coimbra
Rural Restructuring in the Visegrad Group after the Political and Economic Transition Jozsef Lennert Hungarian Academy of Sciences
An Almost Forgotten Legacy: Non-Aligned Yugoslavia in the United Nations and in the Making of Contemporary International Law Arno Trültzsch University of Leipzig
Living with Wildfire: Voices from the Local Community Apirada Cha-emjan, Rapipun Maoyot, Kedsirin Thammachai Chiang Mai University
Supporting Two Families: Remittance–Sending and the Integration of Immigrants in the United States David D. Sussman The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Tackling Humanitarian Challenges—A Global Responsibility Gosia Pearson Jagiellonian University
Mr. Sasakawa Conferred Highest Honor by Most Prestigious Institution in Bulgaria Evgeny Gerchev Kandilarov Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“
Sylff Association: Bringing Leaders Closer Together
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Sylff Association Brochure Renewal

June 27, 2018

The Sylff Association brochure has been renewed!

Now, information on all Sylff support programs is available, illustrated with photos and information of fellows’ achievements under each program.

The cover is designed with the new Sylff Association logo.

Please contact us if you would like to use the brochure for Sylff-related meetings. We will post them to you.

You can also download the brochure from here: Sylff Association Brochure (PDF file)