Jewish Ritual Slaughter in Poland and USA in 20th Century
October 17, 2017
October 17, 2017
October 17, 2017
October 17, 2017
October 12, 2017
Sylff Association Secretariat office will be moving to a new address as of October 16, 2017.
Please make a note of changes in our postal address and phone number, as cited below.
We are always very happy to receive Sylff visitors at our office.
Please contact us in advance, and come and enjoy the amazing view of Tokyo Tower from our brand new office on the 34th floor of Roppongi Grand Tower!
1. New Address
Roppongi Grand Tower, 34th Fl., 3-2-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6234, Japan
2. New Phone Number
Tel 81-3-5797-8402
3. New Office Opens
Monday, October 16, 2017
4. Access
Roppongi-itchome Stn. (Nanboku L.): Direct link from Exit 1
Roppongi Stn. (Hibiya L., Oedo L.): 5 min. from Exit 5
Tameike-sanno Stn. (Ginza L., Nanboku L.): 8 min. from Exit 13
Kamiyacho Stn. (Hibiya L.): 10 min. from Exit 2
October 5, 2017
October 2, 2017
Dear Sylff Association members,
I am writing to fellow members of the Sylff Association to invite you to join me in supporting fellows at Colmex (El Colegio de México) who are working to help the victims of the September 19 Mexico earthquake.
I am announcing a fund-raising campaign for our Colmex colleagues so they may play an even more proactive role in offering relief to local residents.
The Tokyo Foundation (Sylff Association secretariat) is donating 50,000 US dollars for this cause, and I urge each one of you to pitch in with whatever you can afford.
We have set up a special bank account to receive your donations, as outlined below. The total amount donated will be transferred to Colmex after October 31, so please be sure the donations reach the account by that date.
* Please kindly send your donations in US dollars. The transfer charge for the sending bank will not be refunded. The charges for the receiving bank will be covered by Tokyo Foundation.
For more details, click here.
Your donations will be used to support Colmex fellows and other members who have provided food and supplies to rescuers and affected families in the immediate aftermath of the quake. We will subsequently publish a report on how your donations were used on the Sylff website.
The Sylff Association is a global community ready to come to the aid of those in need, wherever they may be. I look forward to your generous support.
Yohei Sasakawa
Chairman of the Sylff Association
September 29, 2017
The Sylff Association is pleased to announce the Sylff Project Grant (SPG).
SPG is intended to support fellows who are deeply engaged in helping resolve issues confronting contemporary society through innovative, pioneering social action projects. The grant supports larger-scale, social-impact projects that can be sustained, enhanced, and expanded over time. Up to US$100,000 is offered per project. Click here to read the call for applications.
September 28, 2017
By 19631
An SLI forum organized by University of Oregon Sylff fellow Corey Johnson, currently associate professor and head of the Department of Geography at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, brought together a group of policy-minded academics on March 22–24 at Greensboro. Experts specializing in such fields as the economy, security, geography, and energy policy discussed the best governance for sustainable development under the current circumstances, where solutions remain uncertain to the environmental challenges of global warming and the drain of natural resources. The public symposium that was conducted as part of the forum also attracted many students and citizens. A copy of the panel poster for the public discussion can be downloaded at the following link:
In recent years, the international political community has come to take more seriously the challenges of global increases in resource consumption, climate change, and sustainable development. The adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change mark important milestones in multilateral commitments to making progress on these issues. However, as Brexit in Britain and the election of a populist-nationalist president in the United States suggest, the center of gravity of leadership on the most pressing global issues of the day—foremost among them environmental change—is shifting, perhaps irrevocably, away from the transatlantic alliance. This is happening at a crucial moment in time when coordinated leadership, foresight, and evidence-based policy are required if the planet is to not only avert the profound impact that climate change will have but also manage the geopolitical upheavals that can increasingly be linked to environmental change.
The forum “Environmental Geopolitics in the Anthropocene: Understanding Causes, Managing Consequences, Finding Solutions” brought together a group of policy-minded academics to delve into the convergence of these momentous environmental and political trends. Our goal was to better understand the causes and consequences of, and possible solutions to, some of these mega-challenges in the face of much uncertainty in the spaces of governance where resolute decisions will be required.
Events Overtake Good Intentions
When I proposed this forum to the Sylff Leadership Initiatives grant program in spring 2016, the United States was in the midst of an unprecedented presidential race. It was growing clear that the nominees of the two major parties would be Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Like many observers, I thought it highly unlikely that Trump—with his unorthodox views on the issues to be addressed by the forum—would actually be elected to the most powerful office in the land. My working assumption at the time was that by spring 2017, when the forum would take place, there would still be plenty of debate over the ambitions and technical details of the Paris Agreement but the United States would still be a party to it and would lead efforts to mitigate climate change as the country that has emitted more greenhouse gases to the earth’s atmosphere since 1850 than any other.
Instead, when we met in March 2017, the forum participants were faced with a confusing and deeply unsettling landscape. President Trump campaigned on a platform that included very vocally dismissing international institutions and agreements including the United Nations and the Paris Agreement. Not surprisingly, given his dismissal of climate change as a “Chinese hoax,” he has since announced the government’s intention to withdraw from Paris, effectively ceding leadership on climate change to other countries, especially China.
In proposing the forum, I noted the huge gaps between the lofty rhetoric of multinational agreements, on the one hand, and our rather thin understanding of the best governance pathways to achieve sustainable development and climate change mitigation, on the other. I also noted that not only was environmental change—which has always played a role in geopolitics—accelerating, but a number of important geopolitical developments in recent years could at least in part be tied to environmental events. The upheavals across North Africa and the Middle East since 2011 are just the most visible of what is a broader set of realities about global geopolitical dynamics, namely that there are feedback loops between human-caused environmental changes and political events, and these relationships are not particularly well understood.
The Time-Scale Problem of the Anthropocene
Even as political winds shift and policy priorities change in the short term, the longer-term challenges of the unbending curve of growing resource consumption, a hotter planet, and the unsustainability of how economic growth has historically been achieved remain as vexing as ever. It is abundantly clear that the very health of the planet and of humankind hinges on our ability to successfully address the problems of constrained natural resources in an epoch where humans are themselves a serious geophysical force. The forum was framed by considering geographic and temporal scales together, and the following assumptions informed and provided material for further discussion:
All Doom and Gloom?
As academics we are accustomed to identifying problems, lamenting how they came to be, bemoaning how not enough is being done to address them, and then moving on. While this forum and the contributed papers had their share of this, the participants were also able to think about possibilities for future developments that give at least some cause for optimism. The Anthropocene, as Simon Dalby pointed out in his paper, is at its root the result of the “fire species” of humans manipulating, managing, and, above all, burning available resources to such an extent that any assumption of “geographic and geological stability as the background to the human story” must be discarded. Shaping the Anthropocene, which is now reality, requires a set of political choices that more intelligently seeks not just to reduce carbon combustion but also to reconfigure land use, urbanization patterns, and other aspects of human existence with changed earth conditions as the new baseline. Understanding that the global economy is a geological phenomenon requires what many, but not nearly enough, states and corporations have recognized: how capital is invested a more proactive accounting for how it contributes to environmental change.
There were numerous synergies between Simon Dalby’s intervention on the “geological turn” in Anthropocene geopolitics and Stacy VanDeveer’s governance strategies and mechanisms for reducing the material throughput of our economies. The Anthropocene, as many observers have pointed out, is an era during which the material footprint of the human species on the planet is more than appreciable to the point of being system altering. VanDeveer suggests that governance responses should seek to effect long-term reductions in consumption patterns through a variety of tools, including tax and subsidy changes, binding policies, certification and labeling, research, and normative transformation. While recent history has shown that humans are not particularly adept at sacrificing in the short term for longer-term benefits, there are examples where—given the right incentives and framing—longer-term, enlightened thinking can prevail.
Indeed, being open to the types of thinking that can “make it otherwise,” to cite participant Shannon O’Lear’s paper, will be necessary. Part of the shift in thinking that is needed among policy makers involves moving away from the assumption that isolated case studies are somehow representative and instead incorporating multiscalar analysis of connections between and among places and processes. Land acquisitions, common in Sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Middle America and elsewhere, are not just local events but rather reflect global capital flows and consumption habits. Much in line with Simon Dalby’s suggestion of laying out Anthropocene political choices much broader than simply in terms of how much CO2 we emit, O’Lear argues that knowledge production needs to take more seriously what forms of new knowledge are required to deal with Anthropocene realities. The framing questions take on additional significance in this respect.
Even before the strange turn of politics in the United States, it was clear all along that transitions of the massive energy system that fuels economic activity and daily life in much of the world would be incremental, not sudden. The case of natural gas illustrates this element of environmental geopolitics in the Anthropocene: is there a role for the lesser of fossil-fuel evils moving forward? Tim Boersma walked us through the role of gas in energy transition pathways in various parts of the world and offered his thoughts on the oft-heard trope of gas as the “bridge” or “pathway” fuel. Undoubtedly, for a variety of reasons—fracking, perceived environmental benefits vis-à-vis coal and petroleum, easier mobility of gas thanks to liquefied natural gas—natural gas has assumed a greater share of the world’s energy use in recent years, and that is expected to rise. But from an environmental perspective, the “bridge” needs policy in place for there to be an opposite side that is not simply burning more gas. In non-OECD countries, policy makers will seek a greater role for gas not only as a means of meeting climate goals but also for the shorter-term reason that gas is preferable in addressing atrocious air quality. Historically in Europe and North America, gas was first and foremost an urban fuel due to the infrastructure required to make it economically viable, and this can be expected to be the case in fast-growing places in the Global South as well.
As suggested by several authors, Anthropocene geopolitics requires an acknowledgment that change is already happening, and policy makers must incorporate adaptation strategies alongside well-intentioned efforts to mitigate further change. As a growing body of scholarship suggests, environmental governance happens in multilevel, polycentric fashion, with cities and subnational jurisdictions assuming an ever-increasing role. Eric Chu illustrates in his paper the ways in which cities can be more responsive and innovative as well as sensitive to local specificities related to the challenges of environmental change than can larger-scale governments. Through transnational municipal networks, cities can also share best practices and raise awareness. At the same time, Chu reminds us that there are some pitfalls in what he calls “methodological cityism,” in that there are substantial political, institutional, and scalar constraints to cities enacting progressive environmental policies. Facing such issues as sea level rise and climate-induced migration will require a multilevel set of responses that must include, but not be limited to, cities.
The Anthropocene is not an “environmental problem.” It is a human problem. It requires that we think systematically about, in the words of O’Lear, the possibilities of “otherwise.” This forum and what comes after represent a contribution to the rich debates happening in many places about what an “otherwise” might look like and how it might be achieved. This is not to understate the hurdles in the way of such change, which are substantial. But in this time of considerable political, economic, and social flux, it is entirely possible that the present is an opportunity to think outside the box and to shift our mindset into the Anthropocene.
Panelists of the Forum
Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair in the Political Economy of Climate Change and Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
Stacy VanDeveer, Professor in the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance, McCormack Graduate School, University of Massachusetts
Shannon O’Lear, Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Global and International Studies, University of Kansas
Eric Chu, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies in the Department of Geography, Planning, and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam
Tim Boersma, Senior Research Scholar and Director of Global Natural Gas Markets at the Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia School of International and Public Affairs
Michael Klare, Five College Professor of Peace and World Security Studies and Director of the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies, Hampshire College
Erika Weinthal, Lee Hill Snowdon Professor of Environmental Policy and Associate Dean for International Programs, Duke University
September 19, 2017
September 7, 2017
The Sylff Association is pleased to announce the 14 recipients of SRA awards in the first selection round for fiscal 2017. We received a large number of applications from fellows around the world, and the selection process was very competitive. All applications were carefully screened for eligibility, the feasibility of the proposal, and the relevance of the proposed research to the applicant’s academic pursuits. Congratulations to the winning applicants! We send you our best wishes and hope that the findings of your research abroad will further enrich and enhance your dissertation. Here are the 14 awardees.
*Awardees are listed in alphabetical order.
Name | Sylff Institution | SRA Host Institution (Country) |
Aleksandra Anic | University of Belgrade |
Université Laval, Québec (Canada) |
Marta Antosz | Jagiellonian University |
Georgetown University (USA) |
Saul Espino Armendariz | El Colegio de México | Harvard University, Schlesinger Library (USA) |
Tess Bartlett | Massey University |
Rutgers University Camden, University of California Irvine, and The Beat Within (USA) |
Paula Beger | Leipzig University | University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (Czech Republic) |
Laura Boudreau | University of California, Berkeley | Fieldwork (Bangladesh) |
Chiara Digrandi | Institute of Political Education "Pedro Arrupe" |
Sueños Film Colombia (Columbia) |
Fernanda Herrera Lopez | El Colegio de México |
Stanford University (USA) |
Jan Maloch | Comenius University in Bratislava | National University of La Plata (Argentina) |
Emma McDaid | UNSW Business School |
Copenhagen Business School, and conducts interview at respective area (Denmark, UK, France, Germany) |
James Miller | University of Oregon |
Ministry of Culture, Social Sercices and Outer Islands Affairs (Republic of the Marshall Islands) |
Sergi Vidal Parra | University of Deusto | University of Chile (Chile) |
Dutta Sudeshna | Jadavpur University |
University of Hawai’I, Manoa (USA) |
Ganbadrakh Tsend-Ayush | National Academy of Governance | University of California, San Diego(USA) |