Author Archives: ld-sylff

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“Hope for Japan” Concerts in Vienna

November 11, 2011

The poster for the June 20 concert.

The poster for the June 20 concert.

From April through June 2011, students at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna—one of the three music schools in the Sylff community—performed a series of concerts as a sign of solidarity with and hope for the people in Japan in the wake of the massive March 11 earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear accident.

The performers included several Sylff fellows. These concerts were a part of the students’ commitment as musicians to charitable activities. Proceeds from the event were donated to the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Fund, managed by The Nippon Foundation, the donor of the Sylff endowment.

The Tokyo Foundation is very grateful to the students for thinking about the situation in Japan and very much appreciates their commitment and dedication to making the world a better place to live. Continue reading

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Jadavpur University Sylff Association Releases Sixth Newsletter

November 11, 2011

The Sylff Association at Jadavpur University has released its sixth newsletter, Fellows, featuring messages from Tokyo Foundation President Hideki Kato, Sylff Steering Committee Chairman and Jadavpur University Vice-Chancellor Pradip Narayan Ghosh, and JU-Sylff Project Director and Professor Joyashree Roy.

It also contains contributions from fellows, who share their ideas and insights. Two articles highlight the knowledge and experiences they gained through Sylff Research Abroad. There is a section devoted to former recipients who provide information on what they are doing now.

Click here (PDF: 2.51 MB) to read the newsletter online.

For a list of Sylff Local Associations around the world, please click here.

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Howard Highlights Partnership with Sylff Program

November 1, 2011

Nippon Foundation Chairman Sasakawa (center, wearing light blue suit) with members of the Howard faculty and incoming Sylff fellows.

Nippon Foundation Chairman Sasakawa (center, wearing light blue suit) with members of the Howard faculty and incoming Sylff fellows.

On September 8, 2011, Chairman Yohei Sasakawa and other officers from The Nippon Foundation—the Sylff endowment donor—visited Howard University, whose Graduate School celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its association with Sylff earlier this year.

They met with university faculty, including Graduate School Interim Dean Charles L. Betsey, Associate Provost Joseph Reidy, and Senior Academic Advisor to the President Alvin Thornton. Continue reading

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Proceedings of the 2010 Sylff Administrators Meeting is now available in PDF format

May 11, 2011
By null

From November 2 through 5, 2010, the Sylff Administrators Meeting was convened at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Beppu, Oita, on the southern island of Kyushu. APU, the newest member of the Sylff community, hosted this gathering, which was attended by some 100 administrators and faculty members representing 62 (out of 69) Sylff-endowed institutions in 40 countries, as well as 11 Sylff fellows from 8 countries.

The proceedings includes the minutes or summaries of all sessions in Beppu—plus photos—and the dialogue with cabinet ministers during the Tokyo field trip. The Appendix contains a List of Participants, and there is also a group photo taken in Beppu at the end of the file. Please click on the name of the session to view the file. Continue reading

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  • 投稿者 : ld-sylff