Category Archives: News

A Ceremony to Mark 20 Years of Sylff in Mexico

May 7, 2012

A Sylff endowment was established at El Colegio de México (Colmex) in March 1992, making it the fortieth member of the Sylff community. And on February 23, 2012, a ceremony was held to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Sylff program at the university.

Opening remarks by Tokyo Foundation Director for Leadership Development Takashi Suzuki.

Opening remarks by Tokyo Foundation Director for Leadership Development Takashi Suzuki.

The ceremony began with Colmex President Javier Garciadiego describing the history of the university and conveying his gratitude for the endowment. Remarks were then made by Japanese Ambassador to Mexico Shuichiro Megata, a video message was delivered by Nippon Foundation Chairman Yohei Sasakawa, and an address was given by Tokyo Foundation Director for Leadership Development Takashi Suzuki.

Sylff Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Jean François Prud’homme commented that the Sylff goal of nurturing leaders capable of overcoming a variety of challenges was being achieved thanks to the activities of Colmex fellows and the Colmex Sylff Association. Continue reading

SRA FY2011 Recipients Announced

April 5, 2012

2011 SRA Awardees

Sylff Research Abroad (SRA) provides financial support for Sylff fellows' research activities in a foreign country for their PhD dissertations. SRA was renewed in October 2011 to allow greater flexibility in the institutions where research is conducted than in the previous program.

The first applicants under the new format for the 2011–12 fiscal year were screened between mid-January and late February 2012, and 28 Sylff fellows were selected. The Tokyo Foundation is pleased to announce the award recipients (click here). Continue reading

International Seminar on North East India

January 25, 2012

A two-day international seminar on “Challenges of Development in North East India: Issues and Concerns” was held at the University of Delhi on November 3 and 4, 2011.

The conference was convened by Kamei Aphun, assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Aphun received a Sylff fellowship from Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2004 and 2005.

In his description of the conference’s theme in the opening session, Aphun outlined the need to study North East India from a wider perspective using a multidisciplinary approach. The region shares borders with five different Southeast Asian and South Asian countries and is of great geostrategic importance.

While many people regard studies of North East India to be limited value, he argued that the region’s proximity to South East Asia was an advantage that can be used to promote tourism and bilateral trade and commerce.

There are also good prospects in the development of sports, horticulture, handicrafts and agro-based industries, in which the region has recently become a leader in India. The region is not only rich in flora and fauna but is also important for anthropological research.



At the same time, he noted, it has recently been marked by such problems as growing militancy and insurgencies, ethnic conflict and violence, illegal immigration, and environment-related problems. These issues need to be contextualized within a larger framework of regional economic development and prosperity, compared with the development of the country as a whole.

The conference’s technical sessions addressed such issues “State, Ethnicity, and Development,” “Environment, Culture, and Polity,” the 1958 Armed Forces Special Powers Act that conferred special powers on armed forces in the country’s “disturbed areas,” “Identity, Conflicts, and Violence,” and “Government Policies, Economy, and Gender.”

The seminar was well attended and also featured paper presentations, an exhibition of books, documentary screenings, and special cultural programs.

Applying Anthropological Methodologies to Protect the Rights of Immigrants

January 18, 2012


A lecturer at the Comenius University in Bratislava and a researcher at the Human Rights League, Bratislava, Helena Tužinská has recently published English translations of reports based on anthropological observations of communication between immigrants and lawyers.

Tužinská received a Sylff fellowship in 1998 (as an MA student) and 2000 (as a PhD candidate) while attending Comenius University in Bratislava. “Both of the scholarships in an international academic environment gave me a solid opportunity to address the relevant issues,” Tužinská notes, “which became a base for further investigation.” Continue reading

Flood Relief Initiatives by the Thai Sylff Community

December 21, 2011

Floods in Thailand affected over 12.8 million people in 2011, and the World Bank estimates that damages would reach 1,440 billion baht ($45 billion).

We at the Tokyo Foundation extend our deepest condolence to the victims of the disaster and their families. Although restoration efforts are making progress, a full recovery is still far off.

At the time of the national crisis, Chiang Mai University’s Sylff fellows and steering committee members launched a donation project to support the reconstruction drive. The following is a message from Dr. Sidthinat Prabudhanitisarn, chair of the university’s Sylff steering committee and dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

We hope that you will generously support this initiative by the Sylff community in Thailand.

Message from Dean Sidthinat Prabudhanitisarn

Season’s Greetings from the Tokyo Foundation!

December 16, 2011

Wishing You Peace and Joy in the New Year!

(on the back row from left to right) Keita, Tomoko, T.Suzuki(Director)
(on the middle row) Akiko, Tetsuya, H.Kato(President), Taro
(on the front row) Ayako, Yoko, Mari, Yumi


Dear friends of the Tokyo Foundation,

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the holiday season in the company of family and friends. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my gratitude once again for your warm and generous sympathy and support in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Continue reading

Sylff@Tokyo: Consultancy to Raise Productivity in Mongolia

December 15, 2011



Dorjkhuu Otgontuya of Mongolia visited the Tokyo Foundation on October 31, the last day of her stay in Japan. She participated in a two-week training course implemented by the Asian Productivity Organization.

She received a Sylff scholarship in 2009 while studying at the Academy of Management. She is now enrolled in a PhD program there. Continue reading

Columbia Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary of Sylff Program

December 15, 2011

A symposium commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the Sylff program at Columbia University was held on November 11, 2011.

The theme of the conference was "Borders and Frontiers: Connections between Power, Ideology, and Identity in Southeast Asia." This is a region marked by perhaps the greatest diversity in the world, in terms of ethnicity, religion, and ideology.

Speakers and other participants of the Weatherhead conference.

Speakers and other participants of the Weatherhead conference.

Continue reading

Sylff News 2011

December 15, 2011


We were delighted to welcome many Sylff fellows and other members of the Sylff community to our office in Tokyo this year. Articles detailing the visits can be accessed by clicking on the names/links below. We hope to welcome many more visitors in 2012, so please be sure to contact us when you have plans to come to Japan!

Dorjkhuu Otgontuya (Mongolia), Madhuchanda Ghosh (India), Kurtis Nakamura and Judith Li (United States), Lars Gaupset (Norway), Noah Smith (United States), Yusuke Tanaka (Japan) and Roman Pasca (Romania), Christina Davis (Princeton University, United States), Takeo Hoshi (UCSD, United States), Abu Shonchoy (Bangladesh), Waseda University award ceremony. Continue reading

Sylff@Tokyo: Research on Japan-India Relations

December 14, 2011



Madhuchanda Ghosh from India visited the Tokyo Foundation on October 13 and 26. She was one of the first Sylff fellows at Jadavpur University in Kolkata, India, and is currently head of the Political Science Department at Panchur College, Calcutta University.

She specializes in Japan-India relations and was invited by the Japan Foundation to conduct research in Japan. During her stay, she interviewed several Japanese lawmakers. At the Tokyo Foundation, she met with researchers Tsuneo Watanabe, Shoichi Katayama, and Ippeita Nishida and exchanged opinions on security issues in East Asia, including China. Continue reading