Dejan Šoškić, governor of the National Bank of Serbia, expressed gratitude for the opportunities that a Sylff fellowship provided in enabling him to receive an excellent education and meet outstanding fellows from other countries.
Members of the Tokyo Foundation visited Šoškić in October 2011 following a trip to the University of Belgrade—Šoškić's alma mater and the tenth university to join the Sylff community. The visit was made with members of the university's Sylff steering committee.
Šoškić's contributions to Serbia's national development are well known among the university's fellows, who—SSC members noted—are proud of his accomplishments and look to him as a model for their own careers. Watch a video of Šoškić's comments at:
(From left to right) Marko Ivetic, vice-rector, University of Belgrade; Ljiljana Markovic, vice-dean, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade; Yoko Kaburagi, program officer for leadership development, Tokyo Foundation; Branko Kovacevic, rector, University of Belgrade; Dusan Nikezic, state secretary, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia; Šoškić; Takashi Suzuki, director for leadership development, Tokyo Foundation.