

Amit Singh*

University of Coimbra


Received Sylff fellowship in 2020-21.
Current Affiliation: Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra
Academic supervisor: Dr. Bruno Sena Martins

Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:
Sylff fellowship, Sylff research grant, SUPRA NORDIC scholarship (Denmark), NSP (Slovakia), Fritt Ord research grant award (Norway) Global Ambassador for Human Rights and Peace, India, Mahidol university alumni research award, Thailand, The Centre for Internet and Society grant, Ford Foundation, India, President of the International Students' Union at the University College of Southeast Norway, REX global fellowship, Jan Mitra human rights award, Human rights year of the crusader (2016) award, Founder of Prabdh'- NGO for sustainable social change, Yoga-project (Norway, Thailand).

Amit holds a PhD in Human rights from the Center for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra, Portugal. He is a post-doctoral researcher at CES, University of Coimbra. He is also a Sylff fellow, holder of a Slovakian national scholarship and a research associate at the Centre for the Study at the Indian Languages Society in India. His research is focused on Hindu Nationalism, right-wing extremism, Secularism, religious populism, freedom of expression and human rights. Amit's latest publication includes, 'An Approach to Hindutva in India (Bharati Publication, 2024), and 'Secularism in the Troubled 'Water'' of Hindu Nationalism: A Case Study of the Conflict between Freedom of Expression and Religion in India (Brils, Secular Studies, 2024).

Amit holds MSc. from the University of Southeastern Norway, M.A. from Mahidol University, Thailand and M.A. from Pondicherry University, India. He was a Fritt ord scholar (Norway), holder of SUPRA NORDIC scholarship (Denmark), and received Sylff research grant. He has worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Bangkok, Thailand) the United Nations Development Program (New Delhi, India), the National Human Rights Commission of India and the Philippines. Amit holds membership in The European Consortium for Political Research, the European Integration & the Global Political Economy Research Network, Columbia University, and the Indian Sociological Society.

Twitter handle:

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).