Received Sylff fellowhip in 2017.
FR: University of Oslo
TO: University of Toronto
Aademic supervisor: Prof. Nefissa Naguib (University of Oslo) and Prof. Rozita Dimova (Ghent University)
Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:
Anna has presented her research at numerous academic conferences including annual conferences of the EASA and the ASN. Her writings have been published in book chapters and articles in Nationalities Papers and Anthropological Journal of European Cultures. Alongside her studies she has cooperated with NGOs in Poland, Macedonia and Turkey working as a project coordinator and volunteering as a trainer. She has been popularizing anthropology through her blogs and civil sicety engagements.
Current affiliation: University of Oslo (PhD Candidate) and University of Graz (Assistant)
With the support of the Sylff Fellowship Abroad, Anna will spend one month at the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, where she will work on deepening theoretical aspects of her doctoral disser