Fellowship received: 2021-2022 Academic Period
Current affiliation: University of Michigan
Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:
- Peru Presidente de la Republica Graduate Scholarship.
- Winner of the First Scholarship Contest for Young Researchers organized by the Peruvian Education Research
Society (SIEP) with the support of UNICEF.
- Central Reserve Bank of Peru Scholarship for Advanced Finance Program.
- Superintendency of Banks, Insurance and PFAs Program Scholarship.
- Central Reserve Bank of Peru Scholarship for Advanced Economics Program.
Social engagement and leadership:
- Co-founder of EconThaki (econthaki.github.io), organization that promotes diversity and inclusion in economics academia in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- General Secretary of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Economics Student Center (2015).
- Economics students' representative iin the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Faculty Council (2013-2014).
Brian Daza is a first-year Ph.D. student in economics at the University of Michigan. His interests span fields like development economics, international trade, and labor economics. He previously worked as a Research Assistant for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Universidad del Pacifico, and as a consultant for the World Bank's Development Impact Evaluation group, and the Ministry of Transports, and the Ministry of Education of Peru. Brian holds a Bachelor of Economics from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and an M.A.Sc. in Data, Economics and Development Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.