

Brian Daza

University of Michigan

Fellowship received: 2021-2022 Academic Period
Current affiliation: University of Michigan

Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives: 
- Peru Presidente de la Republica Graduate Scholarship.
- Winner of the First Scholarship Contest for Young Researchers organized by the Peruvian Education Research
Society (SIEP) with the support of UNICEF.
- Central Reserve Bank of Peru Scholarship for Advanced Finance Program.
- Superintendency of Banks, Insurance and PFAs Program Scholarship.
- Central Reserve Bank of Peru Scholarship for Advanced Economics Program.
Social engagement and leadership:
- Co-founder of EconThaki (, organization that promotes diversity and inclusion in economics academia in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- General Secretary of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Economics Student Center (2015).
- Economics students' representative iin the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Faculty Council (2013-2014).

Brian Daza is a first-year Ph.D. student in economics at the University of Michigan. His interests span fields like development economics, international trade, and labor economics. He previously worked as a Research Assistant for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Universidad del Pacifico, and as a consultant for the World Bank's Development Impact Evaluation group, and the Ministry of Transports, and the Ministry of Education of Peru. Brian holds a Bachelor of Economics from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and an M.A.Sc. in Data, Economics and Development Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).