

Dejan Soskic*

University of Belgrade

Received Sylff fellowship in 1991.

Current Affiliation: Full Professor at Faculty of Economics (EFB), University of Belgrade.

Graduated in 1989 (EFB) – awarded as the best student of the generation by University of Belgrade. M.A. in monetary economics and banking in 1993 (EFB). Ph.D. in finance in 1999 (EFB).

He worked at the Economics Institute Belgrade in 1991, and joined EFB in 1993, teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses.

He has also taught at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA (2002), Summer University of Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (2008-2010), and as a Fulbright scholar was a guest speaker at the University of New Haven, University of Rhode Island, and University of California at Berkeley (2002).

Other posts include special advisor for financial markets in National Bank of Yugoslavia (2000 – 2002); long term advisor in Policy and Legal Advice Center of the EU in Serbia (2002 - 2003); member of the Economic Council of the Prime Minister of Serbia (2009 - 2010); president of the Council of the National bank of Serbia (2009 -2010); governor of the National Bank of Serbia (2010-2012); member of the Board of Scientific Association of Serbian Economists (2006-2010 and 2014-); member of the Board of Serbian Association of Economists (2013-), member of the Board of Directors, Bank of China – Serbia a.d.

He is an author of the book "Securities: portfolio management and mutual funds”. He has coauthored books "Financial Markets and Institutions", "Economic Statistics" and "Stock exchange lexicon". He has published more than 70 papers in the fields of Banking, Monetary Economics, Financial Markets and Transition.

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).