

Dhiraj Kumar Nite

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Received Sylff fellowship in 2006-2009
Current affiliation: Social Scientist at Ambedkar University Delhi

Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:
The Sylff doctoral fellowship enabled me to complete my doctoral thesis on, Work and Culture on the Mines: an Indian coalfield 1895-1970, at Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2010. Subsequently, I pursued post-doctoral research work at University of Johannesburg (South Africa) in 2010-11. This work dealt with workers' labour management relations and human agency on the gold and coal mines in South Africa during 1951-2011. Later, I pursued another post-doctoral research work at Linnaeus University (Sweden) in 2016. It examined the business model in the construction sector in later Nineteenth-century Central India. Currently, I have been conducting teaching, research and supervision at Amebdkar University Delhi. I have brought out my research findings in 30 research papers by now.
During this period, he has also been supporting the educational pursuit of a few girls from economically weaker families, and contributing to raising the academic standard in India.

Dr Dhiraj Kumar Nite specialises in the history of wellbeing, labour relations, human capital formation, and entrepreneurship. Among his latest publications are ‘Skill, its Institutions and Agencies in Nineteenth-Century Western India’ (2023). ‘Wellbeing and Labour Practices: The Construction Workers in Western India’ (2022). ‘Social Capital and its Limits: The Life and Business of Joseph Stephens’ (2022). ‘Aspiration of Civilised, Human and Dignified Life: Sociability and Sociality in an Indian Coalfield’ (2021), ‘Employee Benefits, Migration and Social Movement: An Indian Coalfield, 1895-1970’ (2019). ‘Consenting to Labour Appropriation?': The Mineworker on South African Gold and Coalmines, 1951-2011’ (2017, with Paul Stewart). He is currently working on two projects: (1) Skill Formation and Welfare Outcomes in Later Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries India. (2) ‘Wellbeing, Power and Public Reasoning: India and South Africa.’

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To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).