

Haiyue YU

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Received Sylff Fellowship in 2005-2006.
Academic supervisor: Hyeok Jin Sin

Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:
Vice President of Yantai Youth Pianists Association. USMCE China Training Lecturer.
Current affiliation: Lecturer at the Music and Dance School of Yantai University, China

1999-2000 studied in the piano performance of Szent István Király Zeneiskola, Hungary.
2000-2003 studied at the Mahler Conservatory of Music in Austria.
2003-2010 Vienna Music and Performing Arts University, majoring in composition, MA.
Since 2018, Haiyue Yu has been pursuing a Ph.D. at Jeonbuk University.

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).