

Hisayo Katsui*

University of Helsinki

Current research area: Disability Studies
Received Sylff fellowship in 2002.
Academic supervisor: Professor Ossi Rahkonen, Dr. Timo Kyllönen
Academic achievements and social engagement achievements: The Adjunct Professorship in Disability Studies, as the first one in the Finnish history, at Helsinki University in 2014; the primary researcher for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Disability in 2012-2014; the chairperson of the Finnish Society for Disability Research (2017-); a board member of the Nordic Network of Disability Research (2015-): an editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research (2016-) etc. 
Sylff Support Program: Sylff scholarship for Asian and African Studies in 2002; Joint Initiative Programme in 2006; Joint Initiative Programme in 2008.
Current Affiliation: Abilis Foundation (Research and Development Manager) and Abilis Consulting (EU-SPS programme in Kyrgyzstan between 2017-2018); Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University (EU FRA project on disablity rights between 2016-2018); Department of Social Research at Helsinki University (lecturer on disability studies)

"Leaving no one behind", the slogan of the Sustainable Development Goals is an important reminder for us all. For me, inclusive development, including persons with disabilities, is close to my heart. I am grateful to have received research funding at the early stage in my career when disability inclusion was not yet a global agenda. More international cooperation is needed at different levels with different sectors to contribute to the realisation of disability rights. Please get in touch with me, if you are interested in collaboration!

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).