Received Sylff fellowship in 2018
Academic supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dimitris Angelatos
Current affiliation: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
I am a PhD candidate in Modern Greek Philology of Facutly of Philology, of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. From the same university I obtained my BA (2018) in Greek Philology specilizing in Medieval and Modern Greek Literature. I also obtained my Master’s degree from the University of Athens and during my postgraduate studies in Modern Greek Philology I was a fellow of the Nippon Foundation – Sylff of Japan.
At the end of my studies, I wrote my thesis concering the (re)presentantions of violence. In more detail, the purpose of my thesis was to study the concept of violence and the ways it constitutes a mechanism of subjectivisation as a conceptual determinant, in accordance with foucauldian philosophy. Specifically, by attentively studying philosophical theorems (e.g. Sorel, Arendt, Žižek, Labica, Byung-Chul Han), I proposed a new hermeneutical model through which to approach poems of modern Greek literature; specifically the poems of Y. Varvéris, of D. Christianópoulos and of M. Sachtoúris. In addition, I established a spatial analogy of the proposed theory by using concepts of the approach of Deleuze-Guattari; this enabled me to portray more easily the (“quantum” type) liaisons and interactions of subjectivities or of correlations of forms of power that bond them. Finally, an additional and important methodological lense of analysis was the intermedial/interartistic correlation of the examined poems with paintings of F. Bacon.
At the moment, I am doing research for my doctoral dissertation whose main purpose is to study the ontology of the subject, as it is formed (re)presentatively by dialectic relations and materialized in Modern Greek literature (see title: Dialectic (re)presentantions of the ontology of the nomadic subject: the example of liminality in Greek (post)modern literature). In order for this approach to be successful, at the same time I study Literary Theory (especially Cultural Studies) and Continental Philosophy (“French” theory, such as: M. Foucault, J. Derrida, G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, J. Baudrillard, J.-F. Lyotard, J. Rancière in France; J. Butler, E. Said, F. Jameson and D. Haraway in the USA). Furthermore, marginality and liminality constitute major and key aspects of my study in co-operation with nomadism and nomadic subjects.
Academically, my interests revolve around literary theory and porstmodernity, but always in correlation with Arts and (of course) mostly literature. In addition, I am really interested in modern Subject and Subjectivity Studies (hence my doctoral thesis). Obviously, I am also fascinated by intermedial/interartistic studies, because it is a field that enables us to simultaneously study at least two forms of artistic expression; for this, I am currently studying the relations and correlations between literature and painting, sculpture and cinema.