

Jacinta Mwende Maweu*

University of Nairobi

FR: Rhodes Univ.(South Africa) TO: Jadavpur Univ.(India)
SLI2016: Understanding the ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’ Factors Underlying Violent Extremism and Radicalization among the Youth in East Africa

Academic supervisor: Prof. Mbugua
Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives: Senior Lecturer, supporting less privileged in high school by paying their school fees
Current affiliation: Senior Lecturer, University of Nairobi

Jacinta Mwende Maweu is a Senior lecturer in Philosophy and Media studies at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. She holds a PhD from Rhodes University, South Africa, a Master of Arts in Communication and a Master of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Her key research interests include: Media and Human Rights, Peace Journalism, Media, conflicts and Peace building, Media Ethics, Political economy of the media, Philosophy and Culture, Philosophy and development and Socio-Political Philosophy. She is a Co-convener of the Media, Conflicts and Human Rights at the International Peace and Research Association (IPRA).


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