Jozsef Lennert
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Received Sylff Fellowship in 2017.
Academic supervisor: Bálint Csatári
Current Affiliation: Institute for Regional Studies of the CERS HAS (MTA KRTK RKI), Hungary, Kecskemét
2007 - 2010 Geography BSc (University of Szeged), 2010 - 2012 Geography MSc (University of Szeged), 2012-2015 PhD student (University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Geosciences), 2017.10.06. Successful public discussion of the PhD dissertation
József Lennert was born in 1989 in Békéscsaba, Hungary. He received his BSc degree in Geography in the University of Szeged in 2010, and his MSc degree in 2012. After that, he became a PhD student of the Doctoral School of Geosciences at the University of Szeged, and successfully defended his dissertation in a public debate in 2017.10.06. From 2013, he is employed as a junior research fellow in the Institute for Regional Studies of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KRTK RKI) in Kecskemét. His selected research fields are rural geography and socio-economic modelling.
Supported research activity: Rural restructuring in the Visegrad Group after the political and economic transition. The research mainly focuses on the changes in the rural migration patterns and in the land cover, the present spatial structure of the rural areas and the allocation of the EU funds.