Received Sylff fellowship in 2013-2015. (Monthly Stipend for Graduate Students)
FR: Waseda University (Japan)
TO: El Colegio de México (México)
Academic supervisor: Graham Law, Shigeko Mato
Current affiliation: Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan)
Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:
2018-Present: MEXT PhD Candidate at the Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies of Waseda University in Tokyo. Dissertation: “Another-other. The Utopian Image of Latin America in Japanese Literature”.
2018-Present: Teacher Assistant at Global Studies in Japanese Cultures Program of Waseda University in Tokyo.
2016-2017: Translation of the documentary『首相官邸の前で』(translated as Que nos escuche el Primer Ministro) by Eiji Oguma, which deals with the aftermaths of the Fukushima Incident. Presentation of the translation and projection of the documentary in several Spanish-speaking countries.
2016-2017: MEXT Research Student (Tokyo University Foreign Studies, Japan).
2016-Present: MEXT Scholarship for Graduate Students.
2015: JASSO Research Student (Tsukuba University, Japan).
2013-2015: Master’s in Japanese Studies (El Colegio de México, Mexico).
2013-2015: Scholarship for Master’s Students of the CONACyT of the Mexican Ministry of Education.
2011-2013: Professor at Extension Course on Japanese Post-War Literature to promote the field in Argentina.
2011: Professor of Liberal Arts Degree (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
2010: Bachelor in Liberal Arts Degree (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
2002: Basil Hume Scholarship at Ampleforth College (North Yorkshire, UK).
Matías Chiappe Ippolito has studied literature and the teaching of literature ever since his early studies at the University of Buenos Aires. Between 2013 and 2015 he did a Master’s on Japanese Studies at El Colegio de México and after that he was chosen as a research student at Tsukuba University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Then, he fully turned onto the field of Japanese Studies, moving to Tokyo under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, to pursue a PhD on the relationship of Japanese and Latin American literature at the Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies of Waseda University. He currently holds a position at Waseda University’s Global Studies in Japanese Cultures Program of the same university. His gave lectures in several universities around the world, participated in academic events in different countries and translated Kohtaro Orie into Spanish and English in 2017 (Últimas palabras de un eco-terrorista, Last Words of an Eco-Terrorist) and Oriza Hirata into Spanish in 2018 (Sayonara), among other writers. He also writes regularly for cultural and literary magazines from different countries, such as Andén Digital, The Buenos Aires Review y Tokyo Poetry Journal.íasChiappeIppolito