

Paula Gonzalez

Geneva Graduate Institute

Received Sylff fellowship in 2022
Academic supervisor: Lore Vandewalle
Current affiliation: PhD candidate in Development Economics

Academic Achievements, Social Engagement Initiatives:
I am affiliated with the Gender Center at the Graduate Institute of Geneva and actively participate in the 'Rare Voice in Economics' initiative.

I am a PhD candidate in Development Economics at the Graduate Institute of Geneva (IHEID) in Switzerland. I also work with the Development Research Group (DEC) and the Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) at the World Bank.

My research explores the relationships between gender dynamics and development outcomes, focusing on agriculture, small-scale enterprises, and social norms. I address gender disparities, emphasizing women's empowerment and the socio-economic factors influencing gender gaps, particularly in Africa and Latin America. I am passionate about developing innovative methodologies to enhance the precision and depth of data collection and analysis, ensuring my research provides valuable and actionable insights.


To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).