Ridwan Gunawan
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Fellowship received: 2021-2022
Academic supervisor: Professor Nakajima Katsushi
Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives: Ridwan was one of the facilitators in the Indonesia Teaches Movement (Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar) in 2014, a social initiative to improve the poor educational system in 127 schools in the remote area across Indonesia.
Current affiliation: MBA in Finance and Accounting
Ridwan finished his undergraduate in Islamic University in Indonesia with his thesis on the CSR program and its causal relationship with the company's banking industry performance. His passion for sustainability finance and investment bring him back to continue his master in Ritsumeikan APU, majoring in Finance and Accounting. He currently works on portfolio analysis to see whether social and environmental ethics and sharia compliance categorization can bring a better return of stock's portfolio for sustainability concern investors.