Viliam Ostatník
Comenius University in Bratislava
Fellowship received in 2022
Academic supervisor: prof. Jozef Bátora
Current affiliation: Comenius University
Viliam Ostatník, M.A., is currently a PhD candidate at the Department of Political Science at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. His research interests include international relations, foreign policy and international security. More specifically, Viliam is focusing on the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU (CFSP), writing a dissertation thesis about the processes of formation of specific CFSP vis-à-vis Russia and China in recent years. He graduated from the Comenius University (International relations and European affairs, B.A.) and from the University of Bologna (International relations with specific focus on Central and Eastern Europe, M.A.). Viliam has multiple international experience from various conferences, internships, seminars and workshops. He is the author or a few academic works (some to be published), as well as many analyses and policy briefs for the governmental as well as non-governmental sector.