

Winnie Nakatudde

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Fellowship received in 2021
Academic supervisor: Prof. Lynn Schler

Academic achievements and social engagements initiatives:

I have taught in secondary schools for four years since I started my career in education and most of them have joined the university for further studies, I have volunteered in different social and charity organizations that help the needy and the vulnerable groups of people and these include Visionary Lady Foundation, Child At Risk Network Uganda and FAWE Uganda chapter. All these three have nurtured me to be a social person who cares for the needs of the needy and the most vulnerable groups like the girls, the elderly, and the disabled or the special needs people.

Current affiliation:

I am currently working with the Visionary Lady Foundation as a project manager and also still a Masters student from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.


I am a confident, self-motivated, hardworking, trustworthy, and persistent individual who seeks greater horizons within the fields of social work, language, and communication skills that positively impact the quality of life of the people. Since I've always been concerned about the well-being of the individuals I come into contact with, my motivation to concentrate on social activities came from my desire to have a positive impact on people's lives. I have a lot of interaction with vulnerable people, supporting them in daily tasks like personal care and shopping while making sure that their wellbeing comes first in the support provided.


To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).