Fellowship Received: 2019, 2022
Academic Supervisor: Jinyu Liu, Ph.D.
Academic Achievements, Social Engagement Initiatives:
2019: AGESW Gerontological Social Work Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work
2018 - 2022: Phyllis and Joseph Caroff Doctoral Fellowship, Columbia University, School of Social Work
I am a social gerontologist who uses quantitative and qualitative methods to understand inequalities and disparities in access, use, and quality of end-of-life care in the United States and China. I study end-of-life care and its disparities because I believe everyone deserves a “good death” with structural and family support. I am committed to the science of aging and highly productive, with one submitted K00 package, two funded independent studies in China, more than ten presentations at national conferences, and six first-authored and one under-review paper on end-of-life care and seven coauthored papers on aging and health in highly respected journals, including Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences (IF: 4.9; one first-authored), The Gerontologist (IF: 5.4; one first-authored, one coauthored), Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (IF: 5.8; one first-authored), and OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying (IF: 2.6; one first-authored). I plan to make unique contributions by providing theory-driven evidence on why inequalities and disparities exist and how to mitigate them, which will benefit all people, who will experience aging and eventually, dying.