

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu Oita 874-8577 Japan

Telephone: +81-0977-78-1106

Local Name of Sylff Program

The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff) Program

Program Description

This scholarship aims to cultivate future leaders who will be active both domestically and internationally by providing a scholarship to postgraduate students in APU whose research fits with the basic principle of "Issues and Opportunities Facing the Asia-Pacific Region: Rapid Transformation amid Accelerating Globalization,” and is related to the Sylff policy of taking a cross-disciplinary approach to tackle global issues and overcoming differences of nationality, language, religion and political systems.

*For details and updates, please refer to the Sylff institution's website listed above.

Year Endowed


Steering Committee

Prof. Hiroshi Yoneyama

Contact Person
Mr. Akira Odagiri
Ms. Asako Miyashita
Student Office