

Nov 22, 2013

Sylff Research Abroad: Application deadline is fast approaching!

Dear Sylff fellows,

I would like to call your attention to the fact that the next application deadline for Sylff Research Abroad (SRA) awards is SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2014.

SRA awards support academic research related to fellows' doctoral dissertation, conducted as a non-degree student in a foreign country. From 2013, this program has been widened, so that the proposed research can be conducted at any organization in a foreign country. The Tokyo Foundation provides a maximum of US$5,000 for each successful applicant.

You will find details of the program on the Sylff website.
The list of past SRA awardees and their reports are also available on the following page.

If you are a doctoral candidate, I encourage you to make the most of this opportunity to enrich your research activities.

If you have any questions, please email the SRA coordinator at with the subject line “SRA.” We look forward to receiving your applications!