

Jul 28, 2015

Report of the Sylff Administrators Meeting 2014 Now Available in PDF

Click here for the Administrators Meetings page

In December 2014, the Tokyo Foundation hosted a meeting for administrators of the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff) on the theme of “Challenges and Opportunities in an Interconnected World.” The approximately 120 participants of the highly fruitful meeting not only learned about recently introduced programs, including the option of switching to a new financial scheme, but also strengthened their ties with the Sylff community, including over 10 invited Sylff fellows who have emerged as leaders embodying the Sylff ideal.

This report of the Sylff Administrators Meeting has been prepared by the Tokyo Foundation to promote a better understanding of the mission of the Sylff program and its decentralized focus, facilitate interuniversity dialogue and collaboration, and, most importantly, to maintain and build on the momentum generated by the meeting to enrich the Sylff experience and elevate the value of a Sylff fellowship.

The Tokyo Foundation expresses its deepest gratitude to all representatives of Sylff institutions who took the time to attend the meeting in Tokyo and for their contributions and friendship during the meeting. We hope you will enjoy reading this report.

Please click on the image to jump to the Administrators Meetings page, where you can download the report and view photos of the meeting.