Jun 27, 2018
The Sylff Association is pleased to announce that volume 6 of Voices from the Sylff Community is now available as a PDF file and in print format.
This year’s Voices—the first to be published by the Sylff Association and to be printed in full color—contains 25 articles that were uploaded on the Sylff website over the past 20 months. Seventeen have been expanded from reports submitted by fellows following a Sylff support program offered by the Sylff Association. They offer hints on how the programs have been used to augment the research and social-action activities of the recipients.
There is also a message from Yohei Sasakawa, chairman of the Sylff Association, and an overview of the 30-year history of the Sylff program by Sanae Oda of the Sylff Association secretariat.
There is a two-page spread of photos featuring the many outstanding fellows whom members of the Sylff Association secretariat had the pleasure of meeting in 2016–17.
The booklet can be downloaded as a PDF file here.
We Want to Hear Your “Voice”
We are always eager to learn about the academic achievements and social intiatives of all fellows. Please send your contributions to the Sylff Association secretariat (sylff[a]tkfd.or.jp) to be shared through the Sylff website and Voices booklet. (replace [a] with @).
Guidelines for writing a Voices article can be downloaded here.
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