Feb 19, 2010
The Scholarship Division is pleased to announce the “Global South Scholar-In-Residence Programme” on behalf of the Graduate Institute, a Sylff institutions in Geneva, Switzerland.
This programme aims at developing an intellectual exchange between academics from Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Institute’s faculty. Three candidates per semester will be selected to spend one semester at the Institute in order to take advantage of the programme to update their teaching curricula, participate in teaching courses, further their research projects and contribute to enriching the intellectual life of the Institute. Priority will be given to university teachers with a preference for women and junior academics who will seek to apply the benefits of their stay at the Institute upon
returning to their own institutions.
Conditions for applicants:
If you fulfill all the aforementioned conditions, click the file below to see if the program interests you.
Global South Scholar-In-Residence Programme
Deadlines for applications:
31 March 2010 for the Autumn Semester
31 October 2010 for the Spring Semester
For more information, please visit GIIDS’ website at http://graduateinstitute.ch/in-residence