May 8, 2023
Apostolos Latsonas, a 2021–22 Sylff fellowship recipient at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, visited the Sylff Association secretariat on April 20, 2023. He received an LLA and LLM in legal theory at Athens and is now a practicing M&A lawyer.
(From left) Program officer Konatsu Furuya, director Keita Sugai, Sylff fellow Apostolos Latsonas, executive director Mari Suzuki, and program officer Maki Shimada.
Latsonas, whose expertise lies in jurisprudence, legal history, and artificial intelligence ethics, shared news about his professional and research activities on his visit to the Foundation.
Originally from Greece, he described his hopes of contributing to global society. He has been an exchange student at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany, and Keio University in Japan, and he also aspires to study in the United States and to work across the EU.
He was not able to conduct his studies on campus at Keio due to the pandemic, so this visit was his first to Japan, enabling him to finally greet his professors and classmates in person. He has been intrigued by people’s lifestyles in the Japanese cities he has visited, including Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto.
We thank Latsonas for visiting the Foundation and wish him continued success in his academic and professional career.