

Mar 25, 2010

Attention! Call for Papers for Conference on Inclusion through Education and Culture in Hungary.

The Scholarship Division is pleased to help announce the call for papers for the following conference to be hosted by the University of Pécs. The University of Pécs is a beneficiary institution of Sylff in the network of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For details, please see the following announcement provided by the conference organizers.

The University Network of the European Capitals of Culture (UNeECC) and the Compostela Group of Universities will hold their annual conferences together in Pécs, Hungary, European Capital of Culture 2010. The joint conference will be hosted by the University of Pécs, held on 14-15 October 2010, in Pécs, Hungary.

We are inviting papers and presentations from universities and other institutions of higher education that are a member of the Compostela Group and/or are located in cities which are, have been, or will be designated European Capitals of Culture.

The title of the conference is ‘Inclusion through Education and Culture’. The conference will focuses on two major themes that are of interest to both networks and we welcome a variety of scholarly papers that address either one or both of these themes.

The deadline for receipt of proposals, including titles, authors' names, institutional affiliation and addresses, and an abstract is 15 April 2010.

For more information, please click here (PDF).