

Oct 25, 2011

“Voices” Booklet Now Online and In Print

Recent articles uploaded on the Sylff website have been compiled into a booklet entitled “Voices from the Sylff Community.” The 10 articles contained therein represent some of the many “voices” in the very extensive Sylff community, encompassing 69 universities in 44 countries around the world.

In addition to the print edition, the booklet is also available as a PDF file, which can be downloaded from the link below. It’s a handy introduction to what a handful of some 13,000 current and graduated Sylff fellows are doing and thinking, as well as the contributions they are making to make a difference in society and build a better future.

Some of the articles are the results of fellows’ academic research and social action, including those conducted through such additional support programs as Sylff Research Abroad (SRA) and the Sylff Leadership Initiative (SLI) provided by the Tokyo Foundation. Others are journalistic reports, essays, or the abridged transcription of a lecture. You can see how diverse the community is in terms of nationality, language, ethnicity, religion, and political system!

The members of this community have one thing in common, though: They all strive to tackle the complex issues facing the world or their respective countries and communities, displaying high integrity and desire to contribute to the betterment of society.

We Want to Hear Your “Voice”

We are always eager to receive YOUR contributions to the site. Please contact the Tokyo Foundation at leadership[a] (replace [a] with @).

Download PDF version (2.8 MB) here.


Voices from the Sylff Community October 2011 CONTENTS

Can Japan Make the Transition from Nuclear to Renewable Energy? Lars Gaupset
Nuclear Environmental Justice in Arizona and Beyond Linda Richards
Elections and Political Order: A Cross-National Analysis of Electoral Violence Masaaki Higashijima and
Shin Toyoda
Witnessing History in the Making Ethar el-Katatney
Japan Is as Strong as Ever Muhammad Baharuddin Saenong Ilham
On Groundedness, Preparedness, and Transitions Sherilyn Tan Siy
The Mechanism behind the Egyptian ICT Revolution and Its Connotations Tatsuya Yamamoto
Sound, Science, New Technology, and Emerging Nations Monte Cassim
From Temporary Residents to Immigrants: Some Issues concerning Brazilians in Japan Aurea Christine Tanaka
Tradition in the Present: Amazonian Oral History at Schools Pirjo K. Virtanen