Jul 6, 2012
DUSKE, the Sylff fellows’ association of the University of Deusto in Spain, has published a book titled, “Local Initiatives to the Global Financial Crisis: Looking for Alternatives to the Current Socio-Economic Scenario.” This is a collection of papers presented at an interdisciplinary forum organized by DUSKE on February 24–26, 2010, and supported by the Tokyo Foundation. With the euro crisis continuing to unfold, the publication of the book examining the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 is both timely and meaningful.
As a special courtesy from Eider Muniategi Azkona and Lina Klemkaite, coordinators of the publication at DUSKE, portions of the book including their acknowledgments and introduction are available as PDF files: -Acknowledgements -Index -Introduction
The book can be purchased online at: www.deusto-publicaciones.es/index.php/main/libro/935