The Tokyo Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of SRA awards in fiscal 2016-first round (awardees are listed in alphabetical order).
*Name, currently enrolled institution (country), visited institution (country), title of the report (will be uploaded after the research period)
- Karina BARKANE
FR:University of Latvia (Latvia)
TO: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (USA)
Report:"Jewish Religious Life in Latvian SSR"
- Karina BARKANE
FR: Delhi School of Economics, Univ. of Delhi (India)
TO: Royal Holloway, Univ. of London (UK)
*Sylff fellow from Jadavpur Univ.
Report:"Towards an Aural Archive:…"
- Nikolay GUDKOV
FR: UNSW Australia Business School (Australia)
TO: University of Oxford (UK)
Report:"On the expansion methods for numerical approximations..."
- Nikolay GUDKOV
- Masahiko HARAGUCHI
FR: Columbia University (USA)
TO: Chuo University (Japan)
- Masahiko HARAGUCHI
- Emanuela KOSKIMIES
FR: University of Helsinki (Finland)
TO: CePTL, Univ. of Amsterdam and Int. Criminal Court (The Netherlands)
Report:"Renegotiating ‘polis’ and ‘cosmopolis’ at the International Criminal Court"
- Emanuela KOSKIMIES
- Agnieszka KROL
FR: Jagiellonian University (Poland)
TO: University of Iceland (Iceland)
- Agnieszka KROL
- Peiyao LI
FR: Jilin University (China)
TO: Stanford University (USA)
Report:"Doing Chinese Danwei Study in America"
- Peiyao LI
- Elisabeth LIDDLE
FR: University of Cambridge (UK)
TO: Makerere Univ. and Addis Ababa Univ. (Uganda and Ethiopia)
*Sylff fellow from Massey University
- Elisabeth LIDDLE
- Elisabet PRUDANT
FR: University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
TO: Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
*Sylff fellow from University of Chile
Report:"Urban modernization and mobility: tram routes in Santiago…"
- Elisabet PRUDANT
FR: University of Belgrade (Serbia)
TO:GIIDS (Switzerland)
Report:"Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy Challenges in Small Open Dual Currency Economy"
- Xianqiang WANG
FR: Jilin University (China)
TO: Korea Advanced Institute Science and Tech. (South Korea)
Report:"Investigation of Advanced Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring"