Category Archives: News

Sylff News 2015

December 22, 2015

Wishing You Peace and Joy in the New Year!

(Back row, from left) Tomoko Yamada, Takashi Suzuki (Director), Kaoru Matsushita (Director), Akiko Inagaki; (middle row) Yoko Kaburagi, Sanae Oda (Executive Director), Masahiro Akiyama (President), Akiko Imai (Executive Director), Yukiko Otani;(seated) Keita Sugai, Aya Oyamada, Yumi Arai, Mari Suzuki (Director), Mana Sakamoto

(Back row, from left) Tomoko Yamada, Takashi Suzuki (Director), Kaoru Matsushita (Director), Akiko Inagaki; (middle row) Yoko Kaburagi, Sanae Oda (Executive Director), Masahiro Akiyama (President), Akiko Imai (Executive Director), Yukiko Otani;(seated) Keita Sugai, Aya Oyamada, Yumi Arai, Mari Suzuki (Director), Mana Sakamoto



We are pleased to announce that this past October, fellowships were given to five students at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the under the new Sylff Fellowship Program. The program is being offered jointly by The Nippon Foundation and Tokyo Foundation to all schools in the Sylff program...(more...)


Three fellows were selected as Sylff Leadership Initiatives recipients in 2015 so far, and their reports can be read here. In addition, 28 Sylff Research Abroad grants were awarded. The reports of SRA awardees on the Sylff website are classified by fiscal year-round number. We look forward to receiving many more applications in 2016.


We're very happy to share news of outstanding achievements by Sylff fellows around the world, including:

February 24
Conductor Holly Mathieson, a Sylff fellow from New Zealand, organized a concert on March 18, 2015, in Berlin, Germany, to launch Horizont Musik-Kollektiv, an organization to celebrate the works...(more...)

June 1
At the Institute of Political Education in Italy, Sylff fellowships are granted through the “Idea-Action Research Program” to encourage research projects in the social sciences and...(more...)

September 5
Marisa Hamamoto, a 2007 Sylff fellowship recipient at Keio University, has launched Infinite Flow, America’s first professional wheelchair ballroom dance company. It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that...(more...)


We welcomed many current and graduated fellows, and the comittee chairman to the Tokyo Foundation in 2015.

January 29
Violinist Johannes Fleischmann, a 2013 Sylff fellowship recipient at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, made a tour of venues around Japan in October 2014,including a special lunchtime...(more...)

February 24, September 8
Lindsey Lim, who received a Sylff fellowship in 2014 at Columbia University, visited the Tokyo Foundation in January 6 and June 4, 2015, to give presentations...(more for article on Feb. 24...) (more for article on Sep. 8...)

May 25
Numtip Smerchuar, a 2006 Sylff fellowship recipient at Chiang Mai University, visited the Tokyo Foundation on May 11, 2015. While working as a lecturer in the School of Political and Social Science...(more...)

June 26
Professor Ulrike Schaede, chairperson of the Sylff program at the School of Global Policy and Strategy (formerly the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies), University of California,...(more...)

December 18
On December 4, 2015, Ngo Hong Anh Thu, a 2014 Sylff fellowship recipient at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, visited the Tokyo Foundation and gave a presentation on her doctoral research....(more...)

Sylff@Tokyo:Vietnam Fellow Hopes to Alleviate Water Pollution in Developing Countries

December 18, 2015

On December 4, 2015, Ngo Hong Anh Thu, a 2014 Sylff fellowship recipient at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, visited the Tokyo Foundation and gave a presentation on her doctoral research.

Now a lecturer at the university, Thu was selected as an SRA awardee in the first round of 2015. Her three-month research abroad is being conducted at the Tokyo Institute of Technology through December 2015, and she is focusing on changes in membrane surfaces that may have applications in the treatment of polluted water.

The research environment in Vietnam is still beset by inadequate supplies of equipment, Thu said. The SRA award has enabled her to access the advanced equipment at Tokyo Tech and to focus on data collection and analysis. To make the most of the opportunity, she is spending from 9 am to 11 pm at the lab on weekdays. Using the findings of her research in Japan, she will concentrate on writing her dissertation next year in Vietnam.

Thu said she also enjoyed interacting with Japanese and foreign researchers at Tokyo Tech, which has given her an opportunity to broaden her cultural perspective.

After earning a doctorate, she plans to pursue her research as a postdoctoral fellow in Japan. She hopes that her research will help solve water-related issues, especially in developing countries.

First Fellowships Awarded Under New Program

November 9, 2015

We are pleased to announce that this past October, fellowships were given to five students at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), under the new Sylff Fellowship Program.

The program is being offered jointly by The Nippon Foundation and Tokyo Foundation to all schools in the Sylff program, and the University of Coimbra was the first institution to take advantage of this opportunity. Five students were nominated by the university, all of whom were approved by The Tokyo Foundation for funding.

Sylff Fellows at the University of Coimbra (left to right): Paulo Jorge Nogueira Ramos, Valéria Barancelli, Nuno José Henriques Baetas da Silva, Francisca Rosendo de Carvalho e Silva and Felipe Figueiredo Martins

Sylff Fellows at the University of Coimbra (left to right):
Paulo Jorge Nogueira Ramos, Valéria Barancelli, Nuno José Henriques Baetas da Silva, Francisca Rosendo de Carvalho e Silva and Felipe Figueiredo Martins

The new initiative has been developed as an alternative to the conventional Sylff Program, enabling participating schools to pass on the burden of fund-management to the Tokyo Foundation, and thus focus solely on running the fellowship itself. Participating schools first of all return their endowment to The Nippon Foundation, following which fellowships are distributed directly to students from out of a Tokyo Foundation-managed fund established through a grant from The Nippon Foundation. Under this program, up to USD 30,000 in fellowships is provided annually to outstanding students at each participating institution.

Candidates are nominated by their institution, following which the Tokyo Foundation conducts a review and makes the final selection. Successful nominees receive funding directly from the Tokyo Foundation.

It is important to note that fellows and institutions under the new program enjoy equal status as those under the conventional Sylff program. For fellows, this includes eligibility for support programs, while institutions are encouraged to continue to play active roles in Sylff administrators’ meetings.

At present, approximately 10 institutions are in the process of introducing the new program. We would like to congratulate Coimbra University and its five new fellows for the landmark role that they are playing in the Sylff Fellowship Program, and we wish the fellows every success in their academic careers.

Sylff secretariat on November 9, 2015

University of Coimbra fellows and board members for Sylff in front of the university

University of Coimbra fellows and board members for Sylff in front of the university

SRA Awardees for Fiscal 2015, First Round

September 28, 2015

SRA Awardees for Fiscal 2015, First Round

SRA Awardees for Fiscal 2015, First Round

The Tokyo Foundation is pleased to announce the 12 recipients of SRA awards in the first screening round for fiscal 2015. We received a large number of applications from fellows around the world, and the selection process was very competitive. All applications were carefully screened for eligibility, the feasibility of the proposal, and the relevance of the proposed research to the applicant’s academic pursuits.

Congratulations to the winning applicants! We send you our best wishes and hope that the findings of your research abroad will further enrich and enhance your dissertation.

The name of the awardees and their home and the host institutions can be viewed here.

We Want to Hear Your “Voice”

September 15, 2015

First click (1) Voices, and then the (2) Guidelines banner in the left-hand column.

First click (1) Voices, and then the (2) Guidelines banner in the left-hand column.

“Voices from the Sylff Community” is a special section of the Sylff website featuring articles by Sylff fellows about their academic and social-engagement activities. Fellows can also share their analysis of or perspectives on global and grassroots issues. The Tokyo Foundation hopes that many more of you will submit articles to this site and create greater synergies among the fellows.

For the fellows who would like to write a “Voices” article, we have posted the General Guidelines for Writing a “Voices” Article on the Sylff website. Please read the instructions carefully and submit all requested data.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Tokyo Foundation at any time. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your article!

Leadership Development, Tokyo Foundation
Email: leadership[a] (replace [a] with @)

Sylff@Tokyo:Toward Financial Inclusion in the Philippines (2)

September 8, 2015

Lindsey Lim

Lindsey Lim

Lindsey Lim, a recipient of a Sylff fellowship at Columbia University in 2014, revisited the Tokyo Foundation on June 4, 2015, to give a presentation on the findings of an ongoing social action project in Philippines that promotes financial inclusion, called the Kasambahay Savings Project. This was a follow-up on a presentation she gave at the Foundation in January. Lim is a dual degree student at Columbia University and the University of Tokyo.

She initiated and currently directs the project in cooperation with BPI, which targets full-time domestic workers (kasambahay in Filipino) who live in the homes of their employers. The project helps these workers to open saving accounts—which less than a third of the adult population have in the Philippines—and receive a broader range of financial services.

She made some intriguing discoveries regarding the saving behavior of project participants by analyzing the transactions in 160 accounts over the last six months. Lim found that kasambahay were able to save money despite their low income and that there was no remarkable correlation between people’s saving behavior and their age or education. She also found that having a bank account enables them to buy health insurance.

Lim with her classmates and Mari Suzuki, left, director for leadership development at the Tokyo Foundation

Lim with her classmates and Mari Suzuki, left, director for leadership development at the Tokyo Foundation

Many kasambahay have expressed their gratitude to Lim for launching this project, which promotes financial literacy among kasambahay and enables them to send money safely back to their families in the countryside.

Lim had an opportunity to present a summary of her project and its findings before representatives of 16 Philippines commercial banks. Many banks were made aware of the needs of the kasambahay, who are valuable members of society, and two commercial banks—RCBC and the Philippine Veteran’s Bank—expressed an interest in enabling domestic workers to open accounts at their branches. The next phase of the Kasambahay Savings Project will be implemented with the help of an SLI award and in cooperation with the two commercial banks. In the future, she also hopes to develop a new service that entitles kasambahay to buy insurance in conjunction with their savings account.

The Tokyo Foundation wishes her great success in her future pursuits.

Passion for Dance Overcomes Disability: Fellow Launches Company of Wheelchair Dancers

September 5, 2015

Hamamoto, right, with a wheelchair dancer

Hamamoto, right, with a wheelchair dancer

Marisa Hamamoto, a 2007 Sylff fellowship recipient at Keio University, has launched Infinite Flow, America’s first professional wheelchair ballroom dance company. It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that seeks to share the power of dance and performance with physically challenged individuals.

Hamamoto has been passionate about ballet and contemporary dance since childhood, prompting her to study the biomechanics of dancing as well as dance educational policy for her master’s degree at Keio. While a student, however, she was diagnosed with spinal cord infarction, a severe neurological disease that left her paralyzed from the neck down. Her passion for dance, though, gave her the strength and energy to combat and entirely recover from her illness.

Today, she is a professional ballroom dancer and teaches dance full-time. Her personal experience with overcoming a debilitating disease provided the motivation for the establishment of Infinite Flow as a way of sharing her passion and love for dancing with those with physically disabilities.

Click on the link below to read an interview with Hamamoto that was published in Rafu Shimpo, the largest English-Japanese bilingual newspaper in the United States.

Report of the Sylff Administrators Meeting 2014 Now Available in PDF

July 28, 2015

Click here for the Administrators Meetings page

In December 2014, the Tokyo Foundation hosted a meeting for administrators of the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff) on the theme of “Challenges and Opportunities in an Interconnected World.” The approximately 120 participants of the highly fruitful meeting not only learned about recently introduced programs, including the option of switching to a new financial scheme, but also strengthened their ties with the Sylff community, including over 10 invited Sylff fellows who have emerged as leaders embodying the Sylff ideal.

This report of the Sylff Administrators Meeting has been prepared by the Tokyo Foundation to promote a better understanding of the mission of the Sylff program and its decentralized focus, facilitate interuniversity dialogue and collaboration, and, most importantly, to maintain and build on the momentum generated by the meeting to enrich the Sylff experience and elevate the value of a Sylff fellowship.

The Tokyo Foundation expresses its deepest gratitude to all representatives of Sylff institutions who took the time to attend the meeting in Tokyo and for their contributions and friendship during the meeting. We hope you will enjoy reading this report.

Please click on the image to jump to the Administrators Meetings page, where you can download the report and view photos of the meeting.

Sylff@Tokyo:Director Shares Thoughts on New Research Center at UC San Diego

June 26, 2015

Professor Ulrike Schaede, chairperson of the Sylff program at the School of Global Policy and Strategy (formerly the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies), University of California, San Diego, visited the Tokyo Foundation on April 20, 2015.

She met with Tokyo Foundation President Masahiro Akiyama, Executive Director Akiko Imai, Director Takashi Suzuki and Program Officer Tomoko Yamada of the Leadership Development team.

Professor Schaede is an expert on Japanese corporate strategy, business organization, management, financial markets, and government-business relations. She shared with us news of the school’s recent launch of the Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology, a hub for research on contemporary business, science, and technology.

Fourth “Voices” Booklet Now Online and In Print

June 10, 2015


The articles uploaded on the Sylff website over the past 15 months have been complied into the June 2015 edition of Voices from the Sylff Community. The book contains 14 articles on such topics as land reform, information systems, economic development, sociolinguistics, youth leadership, and musical education, representing the diverse and global nature of the Sylff community. The Tokyo Foundation is pleased to have received many contributions from fellows around the world over the past year.

One feature of Voices 2015 is a section on articles related to SRA and SLI. More than two years have passed since Sylff Leadership Initiatives (SLI) was re-launched in 2013 to support the social action initiatives of fellows, and it is now bearing fruit, as demonstrated by the articles contained herein—including those written by other Sylff fellows who observed or attended the projects. The articles in the SRA section showcase the diversity of the research being conducted by fellows.

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Sylff program at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Sylff Administrators Meeting held in Tokyo in December 2014 are introduced with photos of participants. There are also two pages of photos at the back of the booklet featuring the many outstanding fellows whom members of the Tokyo Foundation had the pleasure of meeting in 2014.

The booklet can be downloaded as a PDF file here.

We Want to Hear Your “Voice”

We’re always eager to receive YOUR contributions to the Sylff site. Reports of your academic or social action achievements should be submitted to the Tokyo Foundation at leadership [a] (replace [a] with @).

* * *

Voices from the Sylff Community
June 2015


Developing Youth Leadership in the Western Cape: SLI Workshop Organized by Fellow Xena M. Cupido Althea Whitaker and Errol Brierley
Between 2:00 and 4:00 pm: How a Full-Time Mother Organized a Food-Bank Symposium Sherilyn Siy Tan
Music and Social Edification in Peru Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach
Leading the Leaders: A Forum for Local Youth Leaders in Maara Constituency Jacinta Mwende Maweu
List of SLI Awardees and Projects in 2014
Arbitration in Europe: Article 2 of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration Nērika Lizinska
Why Do Some Organizations Perform Better Than Others?: Investigating the Importance of Context and Strategy Choices Mirjam Goudsmit
How the Leopard Got Its Spots: Gender Dimensions of Land Reform in Cambodia Alice Beban
A Disaster-Resilient, “Frugal” Information System Mihoko Sakurai
Cars and Capitalism in Contemporary Hanoi Arve Hansen
Response of Indian Industries to Global Environmental Sustainability Shyamasree Dasgupta
Narratives of “Change” and “Freedom” in Early Modern Almanacs Kujtesë Bejtullahu
List of SRA Awardees and Research Topics in 2013–14
Music Connects Us All Gretchen Amussen
The Arts in Crisis and their Survival in the Twenty First Century: A View from Sociolinguistics Christopher Lees
Sylff’s Role in Hungary’s Democratization: Hungarian Academy of Sciences Celebrates 25 Years of the Fellowship Program Viktória Ferenc, Loretta Huszák, and Balázs Csiky
Sylff Administrators Meeting 2014: Challenges and Opportunities in an Interconnected World Tokyo Foundation
Leaders Embodying the Sylff Ideal: Meeting with Fellows in 2014