Category Archives: News

SRA Awardees for Fiscal 2013, First Round

July 24, 2013

2013-1 Awardees

2013-1 Awardees

The Tokyo Foundation is pleased to announce six new recipients of the Sylff Research Abroad (SRA) award in the first selection round for fiscal 2013 (click here). All successful applicants cleared a rigorous screening process with meticulously planned proposals to incorporate their research findings into their PhD dissertations. Of the six recipients, three will travel to the field to learn from primary sources how people have adapted to changing environments.

SRA provides a wonderful opportunity for current or past Sylff fellowship recipients to conduct academic research in a foreign country to enhance the quality of their doctoral dissertation. Sixty-two applicants have been awarded grants of up to US$5,000 since the program’s relaunch in 2011.

Short articles submitted by the recipients based on their SRA research can be read here. In addition, selected articles have been posted on the “Voices from the Sylff Community” page and will subsequently be published in a print booklet.

The deadline for the second selection round for fiscal 2013 is January 12, 2014. We look forward to receiving your applications!

Young Musicians from Vienna Visit Japan

July 22, 2013

Zulus (right), Sylff fellow and Yamada, program officer of the Tokyo Foundation

Zulus (right) standing with Tokyo Foundation program officer Tomoko Yamada

Sylff fellow Julia Zulus of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna made her first visit to Japan as a participant in the June 11, 2013, Rainbow 21 International Suntory Hall Debut Concert featuring outstanding junior musicians. The Rainbow 21 series of concerts is an annual event organized by Suntory Hall for students attending Japan’s top music schools.

With a view to promoting cultural exchange, a leading overseas conservatory is also invited each year. Participating this year was the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna—a member of the global Sylff community; Zulus, an oboist, performed Beethoven’s “Quintet in E-flat major” (arranged by Mordechai Rechtman for a wind quintet) and contemporary composer Gyorgy Ligeti’s “Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet” with fellow students in the Webern Wind Quintet.

Leading the group of students from Vienna was Professor Johannes Meissl, a member of the university’s Sylff steering committee. He also served as a mentor for and as a violinist in the Sylff Chamber Music Seminar, sponsored by the Tokyo Foundation in Vienna in April 2013.

“The performance caliber of the students from Vienna was extremely high,” noted one of the organizers at Suntory Hall. “Some already perform with the Vienna Philharmonic and other world-leading orchestras, and I think many of their Japanese counterparts were highly impressed.”

Following the Suntory Hall concert, musicians from Vienna also held a joint concert with students at the Kunitachi College of Music—another Rainbow 21 concert participant—to deepen their exchange.

Support for Tsunami-Affected Musicians

Panzl, assistant professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Panzl is now assistant professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

In another Vienna-related news, percussionist and assistant professor David Panzl, who performed as part of the Michinoku Wind Orchestra at Suntory Hall in August 2012, returned to Japan in March 2013 and revisited Tohoku High School to lead a workshop for student musicians. The Michinoku project was a week of workshops and concerts aimed at bringing hope and courage to areas devastated by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

His offer to lead a workshop in Tohoku during a trip to Japan this year was conveyed to Noboru Endo, vice-president of the Miyagi Association of Wind Ensembles, who proposed holding a “reconstruction assistance project” under the auspices of the Miyagi Prefecture Instrument Bank. The project attracted 20 percussion students from Tohoku High School and four other nearby secondary schools. An additional 30 observers attended the workshop, including nonpercussion members of the Tohoku High School wind orchestra and officials of the high school and the wind ensemble association.

“I think it’s important to provide support to tsunami-affected areas on an ongoing basis,” Panzl said, “rather than just making a one-time donation. I may not be able to offer much, but I hope to keep doing what I can to be of assistance to the people of the area.”

Participants of the music seminar at Tohoku High School

Participants of the music seminar at Tohoku High School

He also asked after Michinoku Wind Orchestra members who were unable to participate in this year’s workshop, saying “I hope to visit the area again, and I look forward to seeing how everyone’s playing has improved by then!”

Panzl was a graduate student and a part-time lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna during the Michinoku project, but he has since become an assistant professor in recognition of his outstanding teaching record.

Many Rewards, Some Challenges in 20 Years at Athens

July 12, 2013

The University of Athens celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Sylff program in Greece on May 20, 2013. The University became the forty-seventh member of the Sylff community in May 1993. Since then, the program has supported nearly 260 graduate students in the humanities and social sciences. The anniversary ceremony was held at the university’s Great Hall of Ceremonies.

Mr. Panagiotopoulos

Mr. Panagiotopoulos

The celebration opened with addresses by representatives of all parties involved in the Sylff program at Athens. They included Professor Theodosios Pelegrinis, rector of the university; Professor Theodore Liakakos, vice rector and chairman of the Sylff steering committee; Mr. Ioannis Panagiotopoulos, a Sylff alumni and secretary general of Mass Media of the Greek government; Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, chairman of the Nippon Foundation—donor of the Sylff endowment—and Mr. Takashi Suzuki, director for leadership development of the Tokyo Foundation.

The university expressed its appreciation for the Sylff program and vowed to continue nurturing future leaders through the program over the next 20 years, just as it has in the preceding two decades. Mr. Sasakawa remarked on the qualities a leader should have, reflecting on his personal encounters with leprosy patients and his lifelong dedication since then to supporting them. Noting that we unconsciously tend to notice only those things what we choose to see and hear, he said that leaders must make a persistent effort to see and address hidden problems for global peace and well-being. His speech provided valuable insights for all in attendance.

Another thought-provoking speech was made by Professor Emeritus Demetrios B. Papoulias. Entitled “Leadership in Times of Crisis,” the keynote speech outlined the leadership required to overcome the financial crisis, highlighting the importance of acting responsibly and remaining in touch with social realities.

Mr.Yohei Sasakawa

Mr.Yohei Sasakawa

Four fellows shared their experiences and views regarding the Sylff program: Dr. Manolis Patiniotis, professor in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Athens; Mr. Loukas Spanos, a scientific advisor for the Greek Parliament, a representative of the Greek Sylff Fellows Association, and a member of the Sylff steering committee; Mr. Christopher Lees, a doctoral student in linguistics; and Ms. Alexandra Bousiou, a doctoral student in political sciences and public administration.

They commented that the Sylff program not only provided financial support for their academic study but also raised their awareness of the value of diversity, raised their motivation, and connected them to a global network of fellows in diverse disciplines and countries. By supporting students in the humanities, they noted, the program also supported the value of the humanities in contemporary society, which often places a higher value on practical subjects. It was evident from the fellow’s speeches that the aims of the Sylff program were being realized through their actions.

The Sylff program at Athens has not always been smooth over the past two decades. Recently, it was adversely affected by the Lehman crisis and the national debt crisis. However, despite these difficulties, a newly constituted Sylff steering committee has now managed to put the program back on track through new financial management measures and renewed procedures for program implementation. As a result, the program continues to support outstanding graduate students today. The 20th anniversary ceremony fully demonstrated that the program has a firm base on which to prosper and to develop future leaders for many years to come.

The 20th anniversary ceremony at the University of Athens

The 20th anniversary ceremony at the University of Athens

Sylff@Tokyo with INSEAD fellow

July 1, 2013

Warren, third from left, with the Tokyo Foundation program officers

Warren, third from left, with the Tokyo Foundation program officers

Warren Ang, a Sylff fellow at INSEAD visited the Tokyo Foundation on June 17, after having just completed the prestigious, intensive one-year MBA program at the global business school. He was in Japan for a short break before taking on his next challenge.

Warren said he is poised to dedicate his career to supporting the development of indigenous leaders, particularly in developing nations. At INSEAD, he developed his skills in business strategy and personal and organizational development, and he also built relationships with students from all over the world sharing a similar passion.

After graduation, he will join a consulting firm dedicated to global development whose mission is to mobilize effective responses to the world’s most pressing issues and to raise living standards in developing countries.

The Tokyo Foundation is delighted that the Sylff program has been able to support Warren’s ambitions to bring about changes for a better society

Sylff fellows and steering committee members are always welcome to stop by the Foundation’s office while visiting Tokyo.

June 28 is the deadline for Fellows Gathering!

June 24, 2013

Dear Sylff fellows and Sylff Steering Committee members,

On July 10(Wed), The Tokyo Foundation will host a summer evening gathering in Tokyo for Sylff fellows and SSC members, who happen to be in or near Tokyo. This is the first-ever gathering of Sylff fellows at the Tokyo Foundation. We hope to make it an informative and fun evening.

  • What: Sylff fellows, SSC members, and members of the Tokyo Foundation gather for a lively exchange of information and ideas and a reception. Learn the latest on the Foundation’s activities and the Sylff program, including recently launched support programs. Share your questions, suggestions, and comments, and get to know one another better.
  • When: Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 19:00-21:00
  • Fee: None. Please note that this is a casual, after-work evening gathering. We are unable to provide any financial assistance for travel or accommodations.
  • Schedule: Presentations 19:00-20:00; reception 20:00-21:00(food and drinks will be served at the reception)
  • Register: Send email to leadership [a] (replace [a] with @) with (1) your name, (2) name of your Sylff institution, (3) brief description of your recent activities.
  • RSVP: By June 28 to the above email address.


Sylff@Tokyo: Latvian Fellow Seeking Keys to Innovation

May 15, 2013

Ilona, center, with Tokyo Foundation program officers

Ilona, center, with Tokyo Foundation program officers

Ilona Dubra, a Sylff fellow at the University of Latvia, visited the Tokyo Foundation on May 9. She is now in Japan to conduct research at Waseda University using an SRA (Sylff Research Abroad) grant.

At the Foundation, she made a presentation of her recent research activities not only in Japan but also in the United States and Portugal. She is examining the factors that influence corporate innovation. During her stay in Japan, she hopes to identify the main factors behind successful innovations at Japanese enterprises.

She believes that there is a need to ensure the growth of the national economy through the creation of value-added products and services and to increase efficiency through the promotion of innovation. She hopes to make use of her research findings to foster innovative activities among Latvian enterprises.

Learning about Japan’s postwar economic growth.

Learning about Japan’s postwar economic growth.

A lively discussion with Tokyo Foundation program officers followed her presentation. She was also given an overview of Japan’s postwar economic growth by Tokyo Foundation Research Fellow Zentaro Kamei.

We were very pleased to learn that the SRA award has contributed to her research and has helped to sustain her enthusiasm for future improvements in her own country.

Sylff fellows and steering committee members are welcome to stop by the Foundation’s office while visiting Tokyo.

Sylff Website Is Renewed

May 9, 2013

NEW! Syllf Website

NEW! Syllf Website

The Sylff website has undergone a facelift and was relaunched in May 2013.

In addition to the new, easy-to-read design, stories in the “News” and “Voices from the Sylff Community” sections are now categorized by keyword, Sylff institution, and region, making it more convenient for visitors to search for the topics and institutions of their interest.

Pages describing Support Programs for fellows, including Sylff Research Abroad, Sylff Leadership Initiatives, and Sylff Fellows Forum, can now be accessed from the top page.

We have also added a photo album showcasing images of Sylff institutions taken during our visits.

Please be sure to visit the new site!

Sylff Chamber Music Seminar Concert in Vienna

April 23, 2013

Sylff Chamber Music Seminar Concert in Vienna (April 17, 2013)

Sylff Chamber Music Seminar Concert in Vienna (April 17, 2013)

The Tokyo Foundation has supported three Sylff musical institutions—the Paris Conservatoire, the Juilliard School and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna—in their collaborative organization of a Sylff Chamber Music Seminar and Concert since 2006.

Carefully selected Sylff fellow musicians from the respective institutions meet at a host institution, and after intensive practice with coaches for a week, they perform at a finale concert. This April, the event was hosted by the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

The following link takes you to the final concert that took place on April 17, 2013, at the Joseph Haydn Hall in the University of Music and Performing Arts.

New “Voices” Booklet Now Online and In Print

March 26, 2013

Recent articles uploaded on the Sylff website over the past year have been compiled into the January 2013 edition of “Voices from the Sylff Community.” The 12 articles in the booklet are a sampling of the many “voices” in the extensive Sylff community, encompassing 69 universities in 44 countries around the world. One feature of the 2013 edition is a section containing six articles by participants of the Michinoku Winds Orchestra project to bring hope and courage to student musicians in areas devastated by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The booklet also contains summaries of reports submitted by 13 Sylff Research Abroad (SRA) award recipients during fiscal 2011. In addition to the print edition, the booklet can also be downloaded as a PDF file here.

We Want to Hear Your “Voice”
We are always eager to receive YOUR contributions to the site. Reports of your academic or social action achievements should be submitted to the Tokyo Foundation at leadership[a] (replace [a] with @).

* * *

Voices from the Sylff Community
January 2013

Japanese Language Education at Chinese Universities Yusuke Tanaka
Why Regulate Hedge Funds? Comments on the Brazilian Experience Keiti da Rocha Gomes
Nuclear Environmental Justice in Arizona and Beyond (2) Linda Richards and
Perry H. Charley
Japan’s Lay Judges and Implications for Democratic Governance Bryan M. Thompson
Valentine’s Day and the Environment: A “Love Affair with Nature” Dimithri Devinda Jayagoda
Uniting Tohoku with the World: The Sylff Chamber Ensemble and the “Power of Music” Tokyo Foundation
Music and Hope for Tohoku: My Week with the Michinoku Wind Orchestra Simon Hutchinson
Sylff Winds Workshops and Concerts: An Exemplary Collaboration between Cultures Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach
A “Re-oxygenating” Experience Dylan Corlay
Music as an Essential Part of People’s Lives David Christopher Panzl
A Real Conversation through Music Marie Collemare
Summaries of SRA Reports Melvin Barrole, Ieva Beitika,
Otgontuya Dorjkhuu,
Jian He, Maciej Hulicki,
Hendra Kaprisma,
Mania Karolina, Arpita Mitra,
Samuel Nowak, Srdjan Pirivatrić,
Mattias Borg Rasmussen,
Luís Silveira, Lilian Yap

SRA Awardees for Fiscal 2012, Second Round; Call for Applications for 2013

February 28, 2013

2012-2 Awardees

2012-2 Awardees

The Tokyo Foundation is pleased to announce the 16 recipients of Sylff Research Abroad (SRA) awards in the second selection round for fiscal 2012 (click here). They represent the third group of winners since SRA was re-launched in 2011.

In total, 56 applicants have been awarded grants of up to $5,000 to enrich their PhD research since the renewal.

SRA provides a great opportunity for current or past Sylff fellowship recipients to conduct academic research related to their doctoral dissertation in a foreign country.

We are also announcing a call for applications for fiscal 2013 (April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014). The deadline for the first selection round is June 16 (for those planning research abroad after July 22).

Until last year, candidates were required to conduct their SRA research at a foreign institution of higher learning. This year, the types of research eligible for a grant have been widened; awards will also be considered for activities undertaken at research institutes, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, private firms, etc., as long as the proposed research is directly related to the doctoral dissertation. Click here for details of the announcement.

We look forward to receiving your applications!